Hey mikaelsand thank you for taking the time to comment .
On the connectors: I would put it another way 🙂 which is to say there's nothing wrong with the managed [or multitenant] connectors. they do a great job and indeed many customers use them and through various products will continue to use them going forward. For ISE the obvious limitations with the multitenant connectors (locality, network injection) were mitigated effectively with ISE tagged versions of the same. Moving forward, with Logic Apps the re-platforming onto Functions opened up a whole new set of options which included a flexible extensibility model and this has been leveraged to build single tenant connectors (in effect "in process") that also have performance advantages. Right now we have functional parity between the ISE label "single tenant" connectors and Logic Apps Standard (built in).
The motivation for writing the article - we have intentionally tried to be as clear and open as possible - was two fold; for the folks moving away from ISE (as you mention) but also for net new customers to Logic App Standard (and that includes existing users of Logic Apps Consumption who desire the features available in Logic Apps Standard and/or require single tenancy)