Thanks WSilveira , useful guid for the team to use.
I'm stuck with issue's trying to get it to work unfortunately for both the WF Designer and the DataMapper. Error reported is:
4:04:51 PM: Azure Logic Apps Standard Runtime Dependencies validation and installation completed successfully.
4:08:50 PM: Running command: "C:\Users\{redacted user}\.azurelogicapps\dependencies\FuncCoreTools\func host start --port 8000" with pid: "24656"...
'C:\Users\{redacted user}\.azurelogicapps\dependencies\FuncCoreTools\func' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Navigating to 'C:\Users\{redacted user}\.azurelogicapps\dependencies\FuncCoreTools' reveals that the folder is empty.. I presume then that the dependencies haven't installed. Not sure how to get them installed having upped the timeout to 5 mins
Any help/pointers much appreciated.