Android 13, Samsung Tablets, running MHS does not allow the user to switch WiFi.
When the user take home the device and tries to connect to a WiFi at home, they can select the WiFi from the list but it will never connect.
There is most likley a grant permission issue here.
The below does not work. This is clearly a bug.
If the Device is reestarted the user will get a new screen saying connect to a temporary WiFi, but this screen only lasts for a couple of seconds and then disapears.
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[!IMPORTANT] The Managed Home Screen app has been updated at the API level to better adhere with the Google Play Store's requirements. In doing so, there were some changes to how Wi-Fi configuration works from Managed Home Screen. The changes include the following:
Being unable to change (enable or disable) the Wi-Fi connection for the device. Users will be able to switch between networks, but will not be able to turn on/off Wi-Fi. (NOT WORKING)
Being unable to automatically connect to a configured Wi-Fi network that requires a password for the first time. The configured network will automatically connect after you enter the password the first time.