" as we release to the Microsoft Store at the end of July 2024."
...and now it's early October 2024. Microsoft's glacial pace of development continues. When is this being pushed now?
Also, please fix the title bar. The current design is horrible. My company name is shown and shouldn't be, and it's cut off too so you can fit that massive search bar in that is totally ridiculous. Who needs to search for an app with a title that long? It doesn't need to say "Company Portal" either, we know it's company portal as we had to click on an icon that said Company Portal.
Finally, please make it faster. The app is so ridiculously slow, it's almost painful to use. With the spinning dots appearing all the time. Can it not cache the data and update that cache in the background or something? Also, why are you still using the spinning dots for the loading animation at all? Hasn't the design language now changed to be the spinning circle outline for loading instead of the dots?
Microsoft just aren't very good at UI design and consistency recently (some would argue ever). Do better please.