I am sorry to say, but I think that this is not working. I have tried and the result is a relatively long list of devices with 'Attention required'. This is a problem as the only way to solve that is to remove and reassign the device. I had to inform my users that unfortunately, we need to ignore this and manually reassign all devices which have got a new motherboard. My thoughts about Autopilot is that I will not use it in the future and I will not recommend it. I am sorry to say, but I don’t think this is a technology that can be used in middle - big enterprise. Too much administration. I have never had so much need to open cases at Microsoft support and it is a pain to run those cases - usually about refurbished motherboards which cannot be assigned as they are still registered in another tenant. Usually, a long procedure for each device, a lot of mails and telephone calls from India… Takes about 7 - 10 days appr. Pr. Device to resolve. My point autopilot as it is - is a good idea but the tool and the procedures connected to it are not suitable for enterprise. sorry.