In July of 2021, we announced that Running the Company Portal in Single App Mode until authentication is not a supported flow by Apple for iOS/iPadOS automated device enrollment (ADE). Since then, we...
Hi Intune_Support_Team and AnyaNovicheva - From the below image, I understand that the app store version of Company Portal app is not compatible with Apple ADE. Hence, we need to deploy the app config policy for Intune Company Portal app to support Apple ADE.
In our case, we are deploying the iOS VPP-based Company Portal app. Do we still need to deploy the app configuration policy for Company Portal app? Please clarify.
My concern is the below highlighted Note from Microsoft
Today, there are thousands of iOS device enrolled through Apple ADE program and all of them are received the app configuration policy for Company Portal app as part of initial ADE enrollment process. When Microsoft stop pushing the Company Portal app (which is fine for us as we already deploying the VPP based Company Portal even though it gets installed automatically via ADE enrollment profile) and the app configuration policy for Company Portal, we will go ahead and deploy the app config policy for Company Portal app to an Azure AD dynamic device group based on enrollment profile name (which is going to include existing enrolled ADE devices). Will it cause any impact on the existing enrolled ADE devices that has received the app config for Comp Portal as part of initial ADE enrollment.
Deploying app config policy for CP to Azure AD dynamic device group? There shouldn't be any impact to existing devices, though should you encounter issues, please reach out to us via DM.