I am facing issue on adding Managed google play app on Intune portal[
https://endpoint.microsoft.com/]. We have planned to test our android application from internal track provided by google play & add the same on Intune endpoint and assign it our users. But we are not getting this options. Following are the steps we followed:
- Add android application on Closed testing track on https://play.google.com/console
- We added few testers for this application
- Added organization information on Manage organization option available under this track.
- We got this organization from id and name from https://play.google.com/work/adminsettings
- I can search the application on https://play.google.com/work/ and added it as managed apps.
- Now I am going to endpoint manager portal and navigated to Home->Devices->Android->Android Enrollment & added the same google account I used for Google play console.
- Now Sync the Manage google play with Intune by navigating as mentioned here[Home->Tenant admin->Connectors and token->Managed Google play-> Sync]
- Now I navigated to Android apps[Home->Apps->Android->Add-App type->Managed Google play app] & clicked select
- Now if i search for the application i added on closed, I am not able to see it. What is the issue here?
Below are the links I used for reference: