I love contributing to stuff, but I'd be a lot happier if the Microsoft docs were written by, you know, Microsoft. The developers. I'm not the most seasoned dev, but from what I know, you're typically supposed to write your own base documentation, because you know what the code does. It might be forgivable, if your code is open-source and able to be assessed. But proprietary software, where you get error codes that aren't documented, and are only mentioned in separate API reference that says "Not yet documented"? Or worse, aren't mentioned anywhere at all? Presumably, someone knows what these error codes mean, and has them noted somewhere. So... put them online, and let users contribute to making it LOOK good. Or add tips.
It shouldn't be on users to test, guess and describe error codes or how features work. Security recommendations shouldn't have discrepancies because a user didn't take the time to update the official documentation. (but I did, just fyi)