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ITOps Talk Blog

Top 5 things to get the most out of Microsoft Ignite

Rick Claus's avatar
Rick Claus
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 01, 2021

We’re one day away from the kick off of Microsoft Ignite digital experience taking place March 2nd-4th starting at 8am PST. I thought it would be a good idea to share some special insights on how to get the most from the experience, some behind the scenes info as well as how you can connect with each other and the team over the course of the event.


First off – GO REGISTER ( You need to register for the full experience and access to all the content while the event is taking place. It allows you to build your schedule, respond to RSVP only activities and even engage in attendee networking / hallway conversations with like-minded individuals.



Once registered – make sure to click the checkbox for “Make My Profile Public” in order to participate in that attendee networking. Don’t worry – your contact details will not be shared – we’ll facilitate the connections in a safe and secure way, IF (and only if) you opt in.

Speaking of profiles – once registered, go and fill yours out with a photo, bio, social links to linked in and twitter as well as indicating your areas of interest. This information will help recommend session content and resources while you are building your schedule as well as helping other like-minded folks connect with you and grow your professional network.


You add sessions to your schedule and if you haven’t noticed – all times are in your local timezone. If a session does not repeat in a convenient time for you – you have the ability to add it to your digital backpack for on-demand consumption after the event. You will be able to download your backpack (a hyperlinked word doc) post event and have an easy summary of your topics of interest as well as links to all the associated resources.

Oh Yeah – one request we got loud and clear last fall was the ability to Syncronize your schedule with your calendar. You can do that now my reviewing your schedule and choosing the synchronize option to download your personalized ICS calendar file.

Lastly – your one stop shop for all things ignite while it’s going on is the main page with the main player at Let this serve as your home base throughout the event. You go off to a Learning Zone activity or partake in a partner session – remember to come back here after your session wraps up to stay in the know.


I’ll be hosting the start of the event along with Karuana Gatimu until we hand off later in the afternoon to Seth Juares and Dona Sarkar. Christina Warren and Joey Snow will we wrapping up the late shift before we shuffle up and start over for day 2. I grabbed a quick behind the scenes shot of what it looks like from the studio desk during rehearsals today.


The folks here at the IT Ops Talk blog are taking part in a number of activities throughout the event – do yourself a favour and add these sessions to your schedule to engage with us as we go.


Anthony Bartolo is participating in a Featured Session called: What’s new in Azure Machine Learning -
Azure Machine Learning accelerates the end-to-end ML lifecycle. However, what is IT’s role in that cycle? Join this demo-led session, with Cloud Advocates Seth Juarez, Cassie Breviu and Anthony Bartolo learn about building and deploying across cloud and edge using collaborative experiences with in Azure Machine Learning. And all along, use interpretability, fairness, and built-in security to develop responsible solutions.

Sonia Cuff and Orin Thomas are delivering a session called Intro to App and Infrastructure Migration and Modernization through Azure.  They are talking about how you decide which apps and infrastructure to migrate to the cloud, because it’s complicated. Learn about some of the factors you need to consider for your organization.

Sonia is also participating as a Subject Matter Expert / Moderator along with Phoummala Schmitt in an Ask the Experts: Microsoft 365 & Azure Data Protection Strategies, when to use Microsoft vs 3rd party options. They join the conversation with Cohesity to explore how Microsoft and Partners together support the complex needs of our customers. This is a live Q&A session so come and engage with us!

Sarah Lean has crafted a session in the Intro to Tech Skills track around how to get started using Azure in your environment. Her session called Where does an organization begin using Azure? As part of the session, Sarah will be talking about the journey organizations are on introducing Azure into their business and how the Cloud Adoption Framework can help with that journey.


Pierre is moderating a session on Manage complex cloud deployments by using advanced ARM template features - Moving to the cloud, many teams have adopted agile development methods. These teams iterate quickly. They need to repeatedly deploy their solutions to the cloud, and know their infrastructure is in a reliable state. To meet these challenges, you can automate deployments and use the practice of infrastructure as code. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates have numerous constructs and are able to handle both simple and complex setups.

As a team – we’re excited to participate in this spring edition of Microsoft Ignite and we’re here to connect with you during the event. If you’re into the socials – catch us interacting with folks on the #MSIgnite hashtag on twitter or in some of the table talks, moderation roles for chat or even popping in as a Subject Matter Expert in a few sessions here and there besides the ones mentioned above.


See you at Microsoft Ignite!

Updated Mar 01, 2021
Version 3.0