While trying out the capabilities of Azure Arc for Servers, I came across a couple of times when the on-premises virtual machine showed as ‘Offline’ in the Azure Portal. To help troubleshoot this, there’s a command line tool that can help reconnect the machine to Azure, called azcmagent.exe.
1. Check the machine state
My experience as a systems administrator have ingrained in me the approach to check the simple things first. In this case, is the virtual machine actually running?
If you have a way to verify connecting to or getting a response from the server another way, do that first. Many things can cause a virtual machine to stop responding, including issues with the host. So we want to first check that the server is running and otherwise healthy.
2. Check the Azure Arc for Servers state
Azure Arc for Servers uses an agent known as the Connected Machine Agent. If installed successfully, you can find it listed in Add or remove programs:
It runs two services: the Azure Hybrid Instance Metadata Service and the Guest Configuration Service.
From a command prompt, we can use the azcmagent command to check the status of the agent:
azcmagent show
With the error below, the root cause was that one of the services was not running.
So, maybe the program was accidentally uninstalled, is being blocked by aggressive third party security software, or maybe the server has other underlying issues preventing the service from running.
Not pictured, it’s also possible to get an Agent Status: Disconnected response. This indicates that things are functioning from an agent perspective, but it’s not communicating with Azure. Our challenge is to re-establish that connection or figure out what’s preventing it.
3. Double check the prerequisites
Azure Arc for Servers has some pre-requisites, including supported operating systems, supported Azure regions and Azure subscription and service limits. If you’ve previously onboarded and connected a machine successfully, make sure none of those requirements listed here, have changed.
There are no special network ports required, as Azure Arc for Servers uses TCP Port 443. If your firewall is very restrictive, you’ll want to check you’re still allowed access to the required Azure URLs (preferably) or IP ranges and service tags. For details, see Networking Configuration.
4. Disconnect and Connect
Another use of the azcmagent tool is to remove a server and then to connect it again, even if the Azure Arc Connected Machine resource has been deleted from Azure. This does not remove or reinstall the agent and its services on the virtual machine. Both parameters do require you to provide valid credentials, in the way the disconnect method does.
Note: If you leave out the service principal ID and secret components, Windows will give you the interactive browser login experience to provide authentication credentials. Learn more about the authentication options.
This disconnect and connect method is also recommended for machines that have not sent a heartbeat signal to Azure in more than 45 days, after which they will automatically be deregistered.
azcmagent disconnect --service-principal-id <serviceprincipalAppID> --service-principal-secret <serviceprincipalPassword> --tenant-id <tenantID>
azcmagent connect --service-principal-id <serviceprincipalAppID> --service-principal-secret <serviceprincipalPassword> --tenant-id <tenantID> --subscription-id <subscriptionID> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --location <resourceLocation>
Learn more:
For more information, visit Managing and maintaining the Connected Machine agent.
Updated Jul 29, 2024
Version 2.0SoniaCuff
Joined August 02, 2018
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