I just want to understand for these scenarios
1. I deploy a VM and NO Availability Zone selected so where is my VM located? is there a special no Zone place where my VMs are located when no AZ is selected ( I know I need HA but not all people deploy with HA in mind)?
2. An Azure Firewall (AF) is highly available my nature but what if I don't select any AZ since I did not select any AZ for my VMs and I don't want my AF in any specific zones?
is my Azure Firewall still HA right? Having at least 2 instances? are my two AZ instances located in a no Zone location?
3. And having all of them in no AZ or no AZ location I don't incur in any AZ charge for data traversing different AZ?right? Since I did not select any AZ so there is no AZ locations so there is not data traversing any AZ
sorry I need to ask I cannot make up my mind around this
Thanks a lot