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Azure Linux 3.0 now in preview on Azure Kubernetes Service v1.31

FloraTaagen's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 06, 2024

We are excited to announce that Azure Linux 3.0, the next major version release of the Azure Linux container host for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), is now available in preview on AKS version 1.31. Approximately every three years Azure Linux releases a new version of its operating system with upgrades to major components. Azure Linux 3.0 offers increased package availability and versions, an updated kernel, and improvements to performance, security, and tooling and developer experience.

Some of the major components upgraded from Azure Linux 2.0 to 3.0 include:


Azure Linux 3.0

Azure Linux 2.0

Release Notes

Linux Kernel

v6.6 (Latest LTS)

V5.15 (Previous LTS)

Linux 6.6


v1.7.13, but will also offer v2.0 once it becomes stable


Containerd Releases




Systemd Releases




OpenSSL 3.3


For more details on the key features and updates in Azure Linux 3.0 see the 3.0 GitHub release notes.

Using Azure Linux 3.0 in Preview:

To get started with Azure Linux 3.0 (Preview) in AKS version 1.31 you simply need to register the Azure Linux 3.0 preview feature flag in your Azure subscription. To do so, run the following az cli command:

az feature register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name AzureLinuxV3Preview

Verify the registration status using the following az cli command (Please note it will take a few minutes for the status to show Registered):

az feature show --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name AzureLinuxV3Preview

Once registered, any new AKS version 1.31 clusters or node pools created with the ‘--os-sku=AzureLinux’ option will default to using Azure Linux 3.0.

You can deploy Azure Linux 3.0 clusters or node pools using the method of your choice:

Follow this documentation for further instructions on getting started with Azure Linux 3.0 in preview.


  • Please note that Azure Linux 3.0 Preview is only supported on AKS version 1.31, and hence not supported on AKS versions 1.30 and below. If you register the Azure Linux 3.0 preview feature flag on AKS versions 1.30 and below new AKS clusters and node pools will default to using Azure Linux 2.0.
  • Further, during preview existing clusters or node pools running Azure Linux 2.0 cannot be upgraded to 3.0. New node pools or clusters need to be created for Azure Linux 3.0 Preview.
  • Finally, Azure Linux 3.0 support is in preview as part of the v20241025 release. Visit the AKS Release Tracker for the latest on which regions are on this release.

How to Keep in Touch with the Azure Linux Team:

Your insight and feedback during Preview is incredibly valuable for the Azure Linux team and helps shape Azure Linux 3.0 to ensure it’s ready for production workloads. For updates, feedback, and feature requests related to Azure Linux, there are a few ways to stay connected to the team:

  • Ask questions & submit feedback via Azure Linux GitHub Issues
  • We have a public community call every other month for Azure Linux users to come together to ask questions, share learnings, and get updates. Join the next community call on November 21st at 8AM PST: here
  • Partners with support questions can reach out to

What’s Next:

We will incorporate the feedback gathered during the preview period to prepare for the GA of Azure Linux 3.0 on AKS version 1.32.  



Updated Nov 06, 2024
Version 1.0