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From Compliance to Auto-Remediation: Azure's Latest Linux Security Innovations

pallakatos's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 19, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Azure security baseline through Azure Policy and Machine Configuration for Linux has moved to public preview, and we are expanding the capabilities with built-in auto-remediation feature (limited public preview).

Customers face increasing pressure to comply with requirements set by governments, regulatory bodies, or specific industries. As their environments become more complex and hybrid, achieving and maintaining compliance on a large scale remains challenging and problematic. Failing to meet compliance goals can result in substantial business harm, including financial penalties and the potential loss of customers.

Introducing enhanced audit and the new auto-remediation experience:

Recognizing the above-mentioned challenges, Microsoft has developed a solution to help customers navigate these complexities at ease. The Azure security baseline for Linux offers compliance and built-in auto-remediation (limited public preview) features via Azure Policy’s Machine Configuration and Microsoft’s open-source Azure-OSconfig engine. The combination of these capabilities will ensure that security is embedded by design and compliance requirements are upheld, whether workloads operate in the cloud, on-premises, or in another CSP environment, through the Azure Arc platform.

Thanks to the new approach we provide detailed information about the state of compliance and more accurate results with detailed descriptions with direct reference to the CIS rule definitions. Furthermore, the new architecture has enabled us to implement and provide automatic remediation capabilities against the security baseline providing a Linux-native experience for our customers when it comes to hardening. Microsoft has implemented a streamlined version of Linux security best practices, primarily based on the latest CIS (Center for Internet Security) Distribution Independent Linux benchmark.

All the audit and remediation results are available and can be queried within the Azure Resource Graph Explorer for reporting and monitoring purposes.

As security is Microsoft’s top priority, we will provide these capabilities at no additional cost to our customers, with charges only applying to the Azure Arc managed workloads hosted on-premises or other CSP environments.


Figure 1 - Preview of the enhanced policy results

What’s next:

At Microsoft we strive to continuously improve customer satisfaction - understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is not feasible for hardening and security, we are committed to working with our customers throughout the preview process to improve the end-to-end experience.

In addition to that, Microsoft is committed to evolve and further develop and deliver new security baseline contents to be fully aligned with the latest CIS standards across various Linux distributions and will collaborate with the relevant standard bodies to contribute to the standards, benefiting both the broader community and the wider industry. Stay tuned in this space for more information - exciting news to come in the upcoming months!

What happens with the existing Azure security baseline for Linux capability:

Every VM customer which has the “Linux machines should meet requirements for the Azure compute security baseline” policy definition assigned will be auto migrated by the Azure team in the upcoming months to the new policy definition. (audit only) We are going to do a gradual rollout of this enhanced capability. For the time being approximately 3-6 months post announcement, the existing policy will still be available and then it will be deprecated and removed from the Azure portal.

Learn more:

Updated Nov 18, 2024
Version 1.0
  • BartDecker's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Nice feature......some questions though....

    1. Is there a mapping available for each operating system that shows the coverage between the CIS Compute Benchmark for that OS and the implementation here?
    2. Why isn’t the policy explicitly "branded" as CIS, aside from referencing CIS in the individual controls? Many companies aim for "CIS Compliance" but face challenges in bridging the gap between the "Azure Security Benchmark" and the actual CIS Benchmark they need to report against. This mapping seems crucial for clarity and alignment.


    • pallakatos's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Bart,

      Appreciate your feedback and questions. This is only the first iteration of a lots of new things and your question are raising good points - let me try to address them.

      1. This particular policy is an Azure branded policy which has been uplifted as a first step to include the references to the CIS and provide better and richer outcomes when it comes to reporting state of compliance. (It has around 63% coverage if the distro independent benchmark.)
      2. I've hinted in the blog that we are working on a fully aligned set of CIS benchmarks coming soon which will be branded as CIS and will have a fully aligned content to the standards per distro. As you highlighted the companies are aimed to be compliant against CIS and not against an Azure interpretation of CIS. Stay tuned on the upcoming announcements in this space because exactly this is what we are aiming to resolve and help customers with.

      I hope I've managed to answer your questions - if you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


      • BartDecker's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Thanks for the reply Very much looking forward to this.

        Do you know of any demo sessions, private preview sessions or other sessions under NDA which can be attend by Microsoft Partners?

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS could do with some more love, it's not on the supported operating systems list but has been out for nearly 7 months now. 😥  

    • pallakatos's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thanks a lot for the feedback steveburkettnz ! We are working constantly to evolve and review the supported distro list and support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is definitely on our radar. Please don't hesitate to reach out in case if there is some urgency - happy to review and see if we can do something about it.