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Microsoft Security Baselines Blog

Security review for Microsoft Edge version 129

Rick_Munck's avatar
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Sep 19, 2024

We are pleased to announce the security review for Microsoft Edge, version 129!


We have reviewed the new settings in Microsoft Edge version 129 and determined that there are no additional security settings that require enforcement. The Microsoft Edge version 128 security baseline continues to be our recommended configuration which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit.


Microsoft Edge version 129 did not introduce any new settings therefore no spreadsheet was generated for this release.


As a friendly reminder, all available settings for Microsoft Edge are documented here, and all available settings for Microsoft Edge Update are documented here.


Please continue to give us feedback through the Security Baselines Discussion site or this post.

Published Sep 19, 2024
Version 1.0
  • MikkelLundKnudsen totally tracking, we are trying to close the gap!


    We spoke to the Intune team who provided the following: The Intune team is currently developing the new baseline version, which is on track for release within the next couple of months. The team is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of service integrity and ensuring that all changes meet the stringent requirements for enterprise-grade solutions. To guarantee the reliability and stability of this baseline, it must undergo a thorough testing process. We appreciate your patience during this period. For the latest updates on the availability of this baseline, please visit the Intune What's New page (

  • Rick_Munck I already know the answer - but its painful to see that Microsoft recommends cloud native endpoints - but the security baselines from Intune are almost always behind the GPO release.

    What are cloud-native Windows endpoints - Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn

    One could argue that hybrid devices needs security settings more than cloud native endpoints, but I would really love if the security team and Intune team could come together here.

    OS baseline
    Edge baseline

    We want it in Intune - please 🙂