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Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager (MSPCM) Ninja Training: Q1 2023

garyasp's avatar
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Feb 18, 2022

Does achieving your organization's regulatory and compliance requirements keep you up at night? 


Do you wonder how you will ever be able to adhere to all the controls and ensure your organization meets regulatory compliance requirements? 


Do you want to ensure that you are on top of your compliance game and that the appropriate policies and guidance are followed and enforced? 


Look no further, Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager (MSPCM) is the tool to help you achieve these goals and more.  This training is designed to help guide you from basic concepts on your MSPCM journey to Advanced concepts.  Once completed you will have a firm understanding of the tool, its capabilities, and use.


Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager has a ton of data, tutorials, videos etc. that can sometimes be overwhelming and leaving you asking questions such as:


  • “where do I start”
  • “how do I achieve compliance”
  • “how do I recognize when my organization falls out of compliance”. 

We’ve sifted through the vast resources Microsoft has to offer for MSPCM and developed this training to guide you – all in one location, in a simple easy to follow format!  If there is anything we can do to improve this training, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below and we will be sure to review it.


The overall structure of this training is split into 3 main knowledge levels.  They are:



After each level, we will offer you a knowledge check based on the training material you have just finished! Since there’s a lot of content, the goal of the knowledge checks is to help ensure understanding of the key concepts that were covered. Lastly, there’ll be a fun certificate issued at the end of the training! 


Disclaimer: This is not an official Microsoft certification and only acts as a way of recognizing your participation in this training content.


The last section will cover newly released features to MSPCM and will have a knowledge check to keep you on your toes.  We plan to update this training on a regular basis to ensure that you all have the latest and the greatest training materials.  Please do check back often for new training content.  For those of you who have already gone through the training before, you can view this section directly to keep yourself up to date on the latest MSPCM has to offer.


MSPCM Ninja Training Welcome and Introduction



MSPCM Ninja Training – Basic [Beginner Level]

Training Title



MSPCM Ninja Training - Basic 

In this track we will discuss:

  • Where MSCM fits in the overall M365 ecosystems and discuss its high-level components. 
  • We will give you a tour to build confidence in working with the tool.

  MSPCM Ninja Training Basic

Documentation Links from training video


Knowledge Check – Microsoft Compliance Manager Fundamentals


MSPCM Ninja Training – Intermediate [Associate Level]

Training Title



MSPCM Ninja Training - Intermediate

In this track we will discuss:

  • Templates and how Microsoft keeps you up to date with the latest from regulatory bodies
  • We will discuss advanced topics such as extending, modifying and creating custom templates. 
  • Working with Improvement actions


  MSPCM Ninja Training Intermediate

  MSCM Updates to templates tutorial


Documentation Links from training video



Knowledge Check – Microsoft Compliance Manager Intermediate


MSPCM Ninja Training – Advanced [Expert Level]

Training Title



MSPCM Ninja Training - Intermediate

In this track we will discuss: 

  • Reporting capabilities
  • Utilization of the Configuration Analyzer for Microsoft Purview (CAMP) formerly known as MCCA
  • Differentiating between Compliance Score and Secure Score
  • Advanced topics and scenarios

  MSPCM Ninja Training Advanced



Documentation Links from training video





Knowledge Check - Microsoft Compliance Manager Advanced


MSPCM Ninja Training – New Features

Training Title



Check back for the latest MSPCM features released!




Once you've finished the training and the knowledge checks, please go to our attestation portal to generate your certificate -  you'll see it in your inbox within 3 to 5 business days.  Attestation Portal Link


We have a great lineup of updates for the next rendition (next quarter).  If you'd like anything covered, please comment below.  In addition, please reach out to us if you have any content that you would like to include as well. 

We hope you all enjoy this training! 



Let us know if you have any feedback or relevant use cases/requirements for this portion of Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps by emailing  and mention the core area of concern.


Additional Resources

  Simply Compliance and reduce risk with our 150+ assessment templates or bring your own assessment  

 MSPCM Interactive Guide

  MSPCM Guided setup for MSPCM

  Create an assessment template in Microsoft Compliance Manager

  Using MS Excel to Manipulate and or Create templates in MSCM

  Compliance Manager Quick Start

  Deployment Acceleration Guide

  Compliance Score Calculation

  Format assessment template data in Excel for Microsoft Compliance Manager

⤴  MSCM Scenario

 Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager Design Partner Program

 Microsoft Security Trust Center


For further information on how your organization can benefit from Microsoft Compliance Manager:  


Microsoft Compliance Manager One stop shop

Microsoft Compliance Manager One Stop Shop Resource Page

Microsoft 365 Roadmap Website

Microsoft 365 Compliance Documentation

Microsoft Compliance Manager FAQ


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Updated Feb 27, 2023
Version 6.0