Microsoft 365 Copilot can be used by stock traders for quick Technical Analysis. In this post, I will be using M365 Copilot chat and Copilot for Excel.
What is a Technical Analysis?
A method of analyzing and predicting stock movements based on past market data, primarily price and volume. Main technique in technical analysis for a stock is to use Technical Indicators to identify the current market trend, support and resistance areas, strength of a trend and the likelihood of its continuation etc etc.
Technical Analysis with Microsoft 365 Copilot (Biz Chat)
1.Open Microsoft 365 Copilot (Web Tab) and point it to the url where there is data available for Microsoft’s stock price.
Summarize this page: |
2.The stock price data on this page have many columns so we will focus only on 1 column Closing Price and also tell Copilot to focus on past 60 days.
Can I get closing price for past 60 days? |
3.Now we can ask Copilot to draw chart on this 60 day data.
Can you draw a graph for this data to understand visually? |
4. And now we can actually add technical analysis on this chart. I will ask Copilot to add 10 days moving average to the above chart and it will show up as a red line..
Can you add 10 days moving average to this graph? |
Now up to this point everything looks nice and easy and we have proved to some extent that Microsoft 365 Copilot can perform technical analysis on data on a page BUT this is not the best way to do the technical analysis instead we should be using Copilot within Excel which can handle much larger data and is designed for data analysis. And when we use Copilot for Excel for data analysis, we don't even need to learn Python for deeper analysis.
Technical Analysis with Microsoft 365 Copilot in Excel
1.Download the data set for Microsoft stock for past 1 whole year
2. Put the data inside a table. It will help Copilot better understand the data.
3. Select the Copilot from the Toolbar and start the advance analysis on a new sheet.
Get deeper analysis results using Python. |
4. Now its time to write the ultimate but simple prompt to draw the chart and add a couple of technical indicators and within few seconds you will get the complete snapshot to make a better investment decision.
Draw a graph for Close Column over Date. Add 50-day moving average, 100-day moving average to the graph and also add RSI with period 14 to the graph. |
Conclusion: This example shows how easy it is to do Technical Analysis for a stock with Microsoft 365 Copilot without the knowledge or understanding of Python or even excel formulas. You need only one skill in the new world of GenAI and that is “How to talk to an LLM” also known as Prompt Engineering.
Updated Feb 13, 2025
Version 1.0Tahir Naveed
Joined September 28, 2017
Microsoft 365 Copilot
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