We're thrilled to announce that all customers using Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365 will soon be able choose India as a satellite geo-location to store their users' Exchange Online Mailboxes and OneDrive for Business files at-rest, and address their global data residency needs. Once SharePoint Multi-Geo is generally available, it will also include the India geo.
We're in the process of rolling out the India geo to all Multi-Geo enabled Office 365 tenants. In the next few weeks, Multi-Geo customers will get a Message center notification in Office 365 indicating that the India geo available. After that, simply set the "PDL" to "IND" to trigger the move of mailboxes and OneDrive files to the India geo. Read more on configuring Multi-Geo at aka.ms/ExchangeMultiGeo and aka.ms/OneDriveMultiGeo.
This means Multi-Geo is available in 10 geos across Microsoft's massive global data center footprint. Learn more about Multi-Geo at aka.ms/GoMultiGeo
Updated Feb 10, 2023
Version 8.0samsearth
Joined July 19, 2016
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