Bill, I reached out to you via LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. all to no avail regarding this issue of Microsoft heralding rollouts of updated apps that do not exist. Especially when many businesses are making purchasing decision regarding iPads and need to know if Office is actually going to work on them.
This trivial botched announcement / rollout of iPad trackpad support for Office damages Microsoft's overall credibility regarding larger issues like native M1 support on the new Macs, etc.
I'm going to have too pass this story along to my friends in the tech press, including columnists at the WFJ, NYT, etc. It's worth a story at some point during this pandemic when more workers at home than ever are relying on their hardboard and software like Office.
It's not so much the botched rollout, Bill, but the chest-beating about this phantom "rollout" and then deafening silence when customers' legitimate questions in this forum and social media and elsewhere are ignored. Do you not check in? Does Microsoft PR or legal muzzle you?
Microsoft customers deserve better -- and, trust me, soon enough they will get better, even if it's not from Microsoft.