You can see the efforts that Microsoft is making with Loop but it is missing, if they really want to be a good option and really compete with apps like Notion, they must integrate a database engine within loop and with different types of data, with different ways of To visualize said data, a technology or engine similar to Microsoft List could be created but within Loop.
What makes Notion unique is that you can create databases on databases, the main data being not plain text but a Notion page, which at the same time said page can accept another database engine, that is what It really makes Notion unique and why many people like it.
How to explain it, the ideal app would be a mix of: being able to collaborate on multiple platforms, integrating a powerful database engine, having multiple options to view that data, being able to create database engines within database engines, components or pages. within the components, that the pages can be labeled and that the data can finally be exported, perhaps with power automate or any other type of technology, and that integrates artificial intelligence.