And apparently, no way to uninstall this without uninstalling OneNote. Did anyone think that not everyone wants this? I have already uninstalled the standalone sticky notes app. What's even weirder is that it's called "sticky notes", but damned if you can find the keyboard shortcut or a "+" anywhere to create a new note, and they're pinned inside the list by default. You have to use a context menu to "pop out" the note so that it behaves like you know, a sticky note. The dock/list should be closed and out of the way by default unless the user calls it. You don't dock a rigid list of sticky notes. They float! But I'd like to have an Office 365 Application that lets you turn off/uninstall "features" globally. Like sticky notes and the dumba*& CoPilot that popped up in my OneNote app. How do we remove that? Group policy?