Hi learnandexp I am currently facing the same issue, when it comes to applying this policy via GPO, there are not lot of samples that support removable storage control and printer protection. Also the access mask in the MS sample is wrong. it's 63 and not 64. I am currently using the default deny policy, it works fine, USB devices are blocked and the allowed group i excluded from the block. However Test devices are unable to print. I just need an example that excludes all forms of printing whether via USB printer, corporate, on a network or from a VPN connection. I thought i did the right thing with my policies, but my test devices are still unable to print on the shared network printer. The print job does not get to the printer.
Tewang_Chen Are you able to assist to review this please?
This is my policy group
<Group Id="{65fa649a-a111-4912-9294-fb6337a25038}">
<!-- Approved USBs Group-->
<Group Id="{43fd9869-660d-49a6-ae28-34b278ed119e}" Type="Device">
<Name>Any Printer</Name>
below is my policy rule
<PolicyRule Id="{c544a991-5786-4402-949e-a032cb790d0e}">
<Name>RW allow Approved USB</Name>
<Entry Id="{f8ddbbc5-8855-4776-a9f4-ee58c3a21414}">
<Entry Id="{07e22eac-8b01-4778-a567-a8fa6ce18a0c}">
<PolicyRule Id="{1284f8fa-4116-4a5b-acad-8be52e1de3be}">
<!-- Default Printer Allow -->
<Name>Default Printer Allow</Name>
<Entry Id="{Need to define}">
<Entry Id="{Need to define}">
<PolicyRule Id="{f0c42db6-3975-4b79-b53d-17a9a541ca71}">
<Name>Audit Read and Write all files</Name>
<Entry Id="{5285adc4-2361-4aba-baa0-c723e3eecd42}">