Responses not syncing until you manually open the speadsheet in excel kills my useage of forms and flows.
I have data entered onto the sheet using the submission ID and the key to find the row.
If the submission isn't in the spreadsheet if fails the flow.
Typical 'bleeding edge' is becoming the only useable features for non-preview processess and applications. If you're planning on making removing something provide an equivilent solution, not this useless garbage.
Can I remove the option to sync to this workbook altogether? That way I can have actions to create these rows.
I don't see how this change is an improvement from a customers perspective.
Q: What’s the difference between the old version and new version?
- The new syncing solution is more reliable and has improved performance.
- Yet to see any improvements or at least didn't have any issues with the previous sync.
- Currently, the new solution will only sync new responses to Excel for the web. But we are actively working on adding the new syncing solution to the Windows and Mac desktop apps.
- Only works for your web solution, Probably fine as the spreadsheets are prodominately made from forms in Onedrive/sharepoint.
- With the new syncing solution, you must open the Excel app to receive new responses. Otherwise, they will not sync to the workbook.
- Only works if someone opens the excel workbook personally.
And I just know that this is going to be another "put your name on the petition and we'll get to it in a couple of years" thing.
Anyone find anything that actually shows that this is better than the current solution that's been production for 5ish years?