Have I missed something, or have these features not been released?
We have been using MBAM to escrow recovery keys. Due to MBAM support ending we need to migrate to Azure AD. We are already running in a mixed MBAM/Azure AD mode due to InTune provisioning for new clients. We could script all clients to backup their keys to Azure AD, but this doesn't address clients who are not regularly checking in, and especially doesn't address any clients which have been kept for legal hold reasons.
I am also unable to find any information on recovery key access auditing for Azure AD stored keys, only this under-represented UserVoice request: https://microsoftintune.uservoice.com/forums/291681-ideas/suggestions/39903610-audit-log-for-accessing-bitlocker-recovery-keys-in. I understand MBAM extended support goes until 2026, but it would be great if customers were provided migration paths that offered what we need from a legal/audit perspective.