At Microsoft, we continue to pursue our goal of creating a completely accessible certification exam. To that end, we’re pleased to announce the first of several significant updates to the exam user i...
I personally find this design far from what you might expect from good UX design, it is still very cluttered. But most of all the progressbar is hilarious, the most important part, the actual questions take less space than all the feedback, review, etc.
If you read the feedback on Reddit the very very very main point is the case study part, after having done about 8 exams I still find it confusing, and many people come into time trouble. It must be clear at the start of the exam that the case studies are quite a large part of the exam, and making this visual makes it easy to understand for the student. Also the sitebar is not needed, put icons on a place where they are on most websites!
Concerning the time, keep that minimal, just display the remaining minutes.
I am not a professional visual designer but as a developer I worked for about 15 years with top UX designers, so I have my experience, for that I made a simple mockup how I personally think would work better.