As candidate I feel that things have gotten worse than earlier.
- Official policy entrypoint on pearson vue side
- "Throughout your exam, you must stay in your designated testing space, in view of your webcam, unless your program specifically allows breaks. (Most programs do not allow breaks, so plan accordingly.) "
- "Taking breaks. Breaks may not be taken during your exam unless your program allows them. Visit your program’s online testing page to find out if breaks are allowed, how many, duration, etc. "
- "You cannot get up and walk around or leave your testing environment, unless breaks are permitted by your exam program"
- "The document below details the standard policies and procedures for online testing. Your program may have additional requirements, which you can find elsewhere on this page. "
- "Q.Can I take a break during the exam?
A.Each exam program establishes its own break policies. If your program allows breaks, you’ll find that information in the program-specific policies section of this page.
"- No, there is no information about breaks in "Additional policies for Microsoft" section
- Additional policies for Microsoft section
- Does not link to Microsoft-specific policy host on
- Does not offer any usefull information at all
- links to:
- IMHO this should be also in the "Additional policies for Microsoft" section.
Is this the current Microsoft certification policy Why there is not direct link from Pearson Vue / "Additional policies for Microsoft" section into this page?