Hi Adrian Solis, thanks for this tutorial , it really helped me to build Msteams Tab.
One quick question, if our identity provider doesn’t allow the user to be login and logout with iframe, just in above case login works fine with Microsoft Teams Authentication flow. But for logout if want to open a window popup with same flow (microsoftTeams.authentication ), it is failing to call notifySuccess() callback to the parent page successCallBack() function.
Can you please help what i am missing here to open a pop window to logout the user session.
If we navigate to someother MSTeams Tabs after our login in iframe and come to our MsTeams Tab the logout is working perfectly. If we login and in the minute we logout without navigating to any other MsTeams Tab or channels, this above issue is occuring. Seems it is Msteams library (microsoftTeams.initilize() )in logout flow is conflicting with login flow page microsoftTeams.initialize() function.
The above case is happening only in MicrosoftTeams Desktop client application. In MicrosoftTeams web application on browser the above login and logout is working as expected.