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Microsoft Teams Blog

Become a Microsoft MVP for Teams!

Laurie Pottmeyer's avatar
Aug 30, 2017

The Microsoft Teams Product Group values any and all community participation. Some of our community members write blogs and share others blogs via their social media channels.  They participate here in the Microsoft Tech Community answering questions, starting amazing conversations, and sharing tips and tricks.  Others join Preview programs and provide valuable product feedback prior to and after release.  Some choose to speak at conventions, user groups, and socials on the topic of Microsoft Teams.


There are those who rise to the top for their ongoing, exceptional contribution and commitment to Microsoft Teams. The MVP website explains it this way "Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVPs, are technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community. They are always on the "bleeding edge" and have an unstoppable urge to get their hands on new, exciting technologies. They have very deep knowledge of Microsoft products and services, while also being able to bring together diverse platforms, products and solutions, to solve real world problems. MVPs make up a global community of over 4,000 technical experts and community leaders across 90 countries and are driven by their passion, community spirit, and quest for knowledge. Above all and in addition to their amazing technical abilities, MVPs are always willing to help others - that's what sets them apart."


Microsoft Teams is very interested in recognizing those who qualify as an MVP and nominations have been flowing in. At Ignite, in September, Microsoft Teams will be announcing our very first Teams MVPs and those existing Office Server & Services MVPs who have contributed to Microsoft Teams in exceptional ways.  If you've submitted your nomination, please continue to log activity pertaining to Microsoft Teams - we are constantly reviewing and nurturing nominations until your goal of becoming an MVP is met. We look at speaking engagements, social posts, books, community participation, user group participation, and product feedback. Though reviewed regularly, sometimes nominated candidates stay in the queue for a while until we have sufficient activity to recognize them at an MVP level.


Also at Ignite, our current MVPs will be guest blogging here in the community after select sessions for both Microsoft Teams as well as Skype for Business. Tune in here in the Microsoft Technical Community to hear first reactions from many of our Ignite sessions!


When I asked a few of our existing Office Services & Server MVPs to share about what they enjoy being an MVP, they were not short for words.  Here's what a few of them had to say:


Ram Ojha, Global Head, UC & CC Practice, HCL Technologies - ISD

The MVP award has provided several benefits to me. It allows me to introduce myself in a competent way with ability to set credential instantly. This award never meant merely a recognition in form of printed paper, memento or a tag. It actually speaks about the dedication that I invested in forms of blog, forums, twitter, LinkedIn, user groups etc.


This award shows my employer and clients that I am committed to my profession and am well-trained on the skype for Business platform. It gives them confidence in my abilities because it proves that my skills have been evaluated and approved by a well-regarded professional organization like Microsoft. The community access allows me to remain updated on the latest and greatest stuff happening in this domain. Precisely, what I need to enhance my skill to remain at the edge of technology!


Lasse Nordvik Wedø, Head of Cloud Production & Delivery, Datametrix

Becoming an MVP has really opened a lot of doors in my professional life. But truth be told, most doors are opened on the path to becoming an MVP. The MVP award is not simply given to someone just because they have a blog, or share content on Twitter. Becoming a MVP requires dedication and hard work, and doing so usually leads to making new professional contacts and learning a lot about the technology you love.


Once you become an MVP, you stand on a new platform, where even more doors will open up. Being an MVP is recognized among technical peers and companies as something valuable. It can really make a difference at work, discussing with colleagues, partners or customers. Your thought and expertise matters.


Stale Hansen, Founder and Principal Cloud Architect, CloudWay AS

Being an MVP has helped tremendously in my career the past 7 years. The biggest value has been the vast network of Microsoft product group and fellow MVP's that you can pick the brain off. For me it means that I can do reality checks, ask if I have understood it correct when preparing sessions and that I know I have people to ask if I get stuck, even when I work in a small company.


I always look after the MVP quality in coworkers and my goal is always to inspire them to get more out of their knowledge through sharing and taking notes when learning, because then it may help others and it may help themselves half a year later when they have to revisit what they found out. It is kind of an outsourcing of memory to blog and helps yourself just as much as it helps your community. It also helps you spend less time on relearning what you already know and more time on learning new stuff. When you help the community no one knows where it may take you.


Nuno Arias Silva

The MVP Program has helped me professionally, because with connections to Product Group and to help Microsoft construct better products I could advise my clients and communities to adopt new technologies when they arrive and go live. This is a passion that I have to help others like organizations and communities to have a better world.


Jonathan McKinney

I've always shared my knowledge with others one on one or in user group type settings, but what pushed me into pursuing the MVP award was the fact that the Microsoft Certified Solution Master program (aka Microsoft Certified Master or MCM) was being shutting down. This meant that one of my key methods of accessing like-minded individuals (including the Product Group) to ask questions and bounce ideas off of was going to disappear. Many attempts were made to setup similar communications methods from within the Masters community, but it just never took hold. Being an MVP allowed me to again interact and share ideas with other top notch professionals. In addition, I had a direct access to the Product Group to give feedback and help guide the development of the product. The Product Group also shared with MVPs information about the Product and their plans well in advance of when that information was public. This allowed for me to be better prepared for questions from customers and others in the community when the plans become public. Today, I'm a better Unified Communications architect because of the MVP program and the people that are part of it.



Since becoming a Microsoft MVP I've found it's become the number one credential I use to introduce myself as, and the one identifier which sets me apart from others. I'm frequently introduced into meetings using only my MVP status because it really makes a difference: it's a badge of honor that proves I know what I'm talking about, that I'm able to express my knowledge in a way that can help people, and that I'll be able to dispense good advice. It's given my career a real shot in the arm: it's great being able to point out that you are "literally" the most valuable person on a team. Most of all though, the best part of the program is being able to meet with and talk to the rest of the MVP community and individuals within Microsoft. It's like being given a pass to an exclusive club of like-minded people who just want to talk about your favorite subject all day long!


A huge thank you to those above sharing their experiences and to all of you who continue to share your passion for Microsoft Teams.  We can't wait to welcome more of you aboard!


For more information on the MVP Program at Microsoft, or to nominate yourself or another, head over to Click on 'Find an MVP' to learn more about these and other dedicated MVPs.

Updated Aug 30, 2017
Version 3.0
  • Mr_Trust_A's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Gerard C. Eakedale once said said “Recognition is the greatest motivator.” However, H. Jackson Brown, Jr. said “Don't work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition.”

    With this inspiration, am determined to do work worthy of notice & not for the title.

    Thanks for sharing though.


  • Cian Allner's avatar
    Cian Allner
    Silver Contributor

    I applied and my application didn't move forward.  I updated the activities to keep it current but apart from that, I didn't get any insights on progress.  I do what I do because I love Office 365 and how it enables people of all abilities to get things done and be productive.  I love being part of that through my work here, on Twitter and the articles I write as well as the resources I put together and was hoping for a platform where I could do even more for the community.


    Anyway, I take my hat off to MVP's, I find them an inspiration and respect the superb work they do.

  • Tony Nunn - for Microsoft Teams, we look at all of it as criteria.  That said, reach is important, too - so extending beyond your own organization to customers and public is important.  Thank you for all that you do.  

  • Tony Nunn's avatar
    Tony Nunn
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for taking the time to respond Laurie.

    In response I'd like to point out that I did in fact articulate the effort that I endeavour to extend within my organization.

    Speaking at our events, such as HPE Discover (which I am again doing this year), running education sessions for both the pursuit and delivery teams, both locally and globally, and acting as the evangelist for Teams and all things Intelligent Communication.

    Again, I was informed that this wasn't deemed as an eligible activity for consideration.



  • Tony Nunn - You are correct that social posts are not enough to be awarded the MVP award.  That said, social is part of what the team looks at when evaluating the impact.  It's important that our MVPs help share the vision of Microsoft Teams and assist in extending the reach with things like sharing resources and best practices along with the exciting announcements and updates.  Again - it's one piece of the pie.


    Shane Bryan - Most definitely.  When you submit your nomination in, you'll want to include everything you do, both externally and internally.  The MVPs we have today are rockstar champions within their own organizations and the go-to's for knowledge around Teams.  


    Participation in the Microsoft Tech Community (here) is something we look at very closely - it takes a 'village' and this community (or village) runs because there are experts both inside and many outside of Microsoft helping to answer questions and start great conversation.  Blogs are great - but, again, sharing Teams and educating folks is more than just that.  User Group participation, speaking engagements, and forum activity are all very important, as well.  

  • Tony Nunn's avatar
    Tony Nunn
    Copper Contributor

    That is not regarded by the programme as sufficient to qualify or contribute to qualification.

    I was told that this is simply expected of partners.

    Frankly, I'd have assumed that my priority was to ensure that my colleagues and my clients were appreciative of my going the extra mile to show them the benefits of intelligent communication and to ensure that my efforts lead to a successful sale and adoption of the technology and that they consume it to it's fullest.

    Clearly though, that is not deemed significant and they'd rather that I sit writing a blog, instead of posting thousands of social media posts on the need to move to Teams and how it can benefit them and use the product.

  • Shane Bryan's avatar
    Shane Bryan
    Iron Contributor

    Is there any way that the people toiling away inside their own organisation, holding regular training sessions and championing tools like Microsoft Teams can get their efforts recognised?

  • Tony Nunn's avatar
    Tony Nunn
    Copper Contributor

    Just a shame that it mentions social posts as a contributing factor, but I was told outright by my regional MVP coordinator that it didn’t mean enough.

    I appreciate that the accreditation acknowledges exceptional community participation, but this can be demonstrated in many ways.

    I’ve eulogised long and hard about the virtues of Teams to clients, colleagues and peers alike and will continue to do so, with or without three letters or an award.