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Create and Manage All Your Mind Maps in Microsoft Teams!

Sreekanth_Thirthala's avatar
Jan 18, 2019


Using MindMeister in Microsoft Teams, you easily capture valuable ideas that come up in your conversations and turn them into visual project plans that you can refer back to any time. Mind maps display all the important information around a topic on a single page, making it easy for you to review and update key points.



What Is MindMeister for Microsoft Teams?


A little over a year ago, we launched MindMeister for Microsoft Teams. The integration—which has become one of our most popular ones to date—brought collaborative mind mapping to the Teams app, letting you brainstorm ideas and visualize project plans with your team members in real-time.


With MindMeister for Microsoft Teams, you can:


  • Create new mind maps from scratch or open existing ones
  • Add one or multiple mind maps to your team’s channels
  • Collaboratively edit mind maps with your team members
  • View mind maps as dynamic presentations


And thanks to our most recent update, you can now also view your entire MindMeister dashboard right inside Microsoft Teams, enabling you to organize and manage all your mind maps without having to switch between the two tools!


What Is the MindMeister Dashboard?


The MindMeister dashboard lists all mind maps that you’ve created or that have been shared with you. Thanks to our most recent update, you can now access your MindMeister dashboard right inside Microsoft Teams, using a personal tab!


With the MindMeister dashboard, you can:


  • View all your mind maps at a glance
  • Quickly find and access maps created in various channels
  • Duplicate, export or delete maps easily
  • Organize maps in a folder structure

Using the MindMeister Dashboard in Microsoft Teams


Once your team has experienced the benefits of using mind maps, you may find yourself getting invited to maps on a daily basis—from strategy maps to meeting minutes and from brainstorming sessions to fully fledged project plans. To keep things organized, you can now use the MindMeister dashboard to set up a folder structure according to your needs.


By default, mind maps created within a Microsoft Teams channel are automatically added to a folder called “Microsoft Teams”. You can either keep the maps in there, or move them to any other folder on your dashboard after they’ve been created.


Tip: To move a map from one folder to another, either drag & drop the map to the folder of your choice, or click on the ellipsis in the top right corner of the map thumbnail and then select ‘Move’ from the menu.


Of course, the dashboard you see in Microsoft Teams mirrors the dashboard you already know from your MindMeister account, accessible via, and is synced in real time both with the website and MindMeister’s mobile apps.


Get MindMeister for Microsoft Teams now and start mind mapping with your team!


How to Install the app?

Click on


Updated Jan 26, 2021
Version 6.0
  • Core20Tech's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    In my research of what Mind Mapping application I am going to use for myself, my company and my clients, I thought as I always do:  What Microsoft Program for Mind Mapping does Microsoft have?  


    Because expandability and integration is key.  


    But I do not find a "Microsoft Mind Mapping Program"?  Have I missed something?  Or does MS NOT have a MM program?  Seems like all I find are "other" 3rd party program solutions that "integrate" with Teams?  Is that correct?


    If MS doesnt have a MM program itself, is there a 3rd party program that MS has partnered with?  Such that it will integrate into MS 365 for instance?  


    It appears here, Mind Meister has had its desire to become that integrated platform limited by MS; no Enterprise Level integration.  If not Mind Meister, then who or what MM program is the Defacto MM Program for MS?


    On a lesser note, my reason for researching for a MM program is to help simply complicated research.  With a major idea, that then opens up new ideas, that then suggests more and more questions to be answered under each, that research being mostly online with 10-30 websites deep research on each topic and each sub-topic...and you see what happens.  Just researching and brainstorming an idea becomes a monster of data, things to remember to return too, things to interconnect, layer, loop, etc. on, on top of, back too,...hence, I need a way to contain this kind of research and brainstorming.  


    Im considering MM, or White Board or Visio for laying out all this research visually.  Which would you recommend I use?


    Must Respect to anyone that can offer some answers and ideas...




  • TyRooks's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you for posting. I have a question. The set up we did to link the website forces a new login everyday. Not ideal, is there any better way to do this? ? 

  • Star_D's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Timo_MindMeister , since it is not available for Enterprise, and as the data is stored in Germany, can we infer that this is also not available for GCC tenants?

  • MajaWas1's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have the same question as PackElend . Is this app free fro Teams, or does it require extra subscription? And if so, does anyone know a free app for mind mapping that can be added to teams?

  • Yannick Eberle's avatar
    Yannick Eberle
    Copper Contributor

    Hi there
    Thanks for this great article.
    Can you tell me, where the Data of Mind Meister is stored?
    Are there any plans to put the Data in the trusted MS Data Center?

    thanks & regards


  • I tried using this integration with an Enterprise tenant and found that it was not available.  I contacted Mindmeister support and received the following reply:


    I'm afraid that the decision to only support Education and Business licenses was not up to us but rather a change of policy made directly by Microsoft. We therefore, cannot guarantee that our integration will ever be available for the enterprise license.

    While it isn't mentioned in this article, there is a statement about only supporting Business and Education accounts in the original 2017 announcement

    Please note: Currently only Microsoft Business and Education accounts can use our Office 365 login and therefore the integration with Microsoft Teams. So called Microsoft Accounts (previously called Microsoft Live Accounts) can’t access the Office 365 login, thus Office 365 Home subscriptions can’t use it either.

    Is there a specific reason that Enterprise accounts cannot use this integration, or plans to support it in the future?