We are proud to announce the launch of the third party app BitBucket Cloud Bot integration in Microsoft Teams. Bitbucket is built for every member of software team to collaborate on code written by developers.
You can start the conversation by mentioning BitBucket Cloud bot in the channels scope. In personal scope, conversation can happen without mentioning the bot. You can create a new pull request or search of an existing one that you’ve already created. In case of multiple repositories, you’ve to select source repository and source branch from where code needs to be merged as well as target repository and target branch to where code will be merged. After selecting the repository and branch, you get prompted one last time before actual merge if you would still like to proceed.
Personal scope also gives you option to see all the pull requests you’ve created as well as all your repositories where you are either owner or a contributor.
BitBucket Cloud Bot for Microsoft Teams is available for download in Teams AppStore. Details for purchasing and licensing BitBucket can be found here.
Updated Jan 26, 2021
Version 4.0Amit Oberoi
Joined June 27, 2018
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