With the release of private channels in Microsoft Teams we wanted to update our guidance for organizing your hub for teamwork. Bringing people together across your organization is powerful and we want you to have the best experience with our product. With the release of private channels you can now have focused conversation areas with a subset of members of your team alongside the standard channel conversations that drive collaboration across the broader team.
Our TechTip video will guide you through a variety of examples of team and channel structure, remind you of the differences between chat and channel conversations and help you to get the most from private channels in Microsoft Teams. This video now replaces our prior guidance on this topic. You can also download the PowerPoint presentation used in this video.
Next, learn more about how we think about Teams and Channel from product engineering lead Roshin Ramesan on our TechChats Interview with Influencers playlist. Roshin is an innovative thinker and deeply passionate about customer feedback. Some of you may have met him at Microsoft Ignite and we'd encourage you to also watch his theater session on additional technical aspects of Private Channels.
Feel free to ask us questions about this or any other Microsoft Teams topic here. If you are driving adoption of Office 365 services consider joining our Driving Adoption forum here and our free, monthly Office 365 Champions community call to stay up to date on this and other great scenarios for productivity and business results.
Published Dec 19, 2019
Version 1.0Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT
Community Manager
Joined November 02, 2016
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