Looking for holiday learning resources? Check out these MVP-recommended picks for something new!
In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.
Sucheta Gawade, Microsoft Azure, Security MVP, United States
Microsoft Learn 30 Day Plans | Microsoft Learn
“I've been a huge fan of Microsoft Learn, and I've gained a wealth of knowledge by following its learning paths and diving into the comprehensive documentation. With the 30-Day Plans, this has been taken to the next level by offering a planned time-bound approach coupled with structured paths to help individuals quickly build expertise in essential tech areas like AI and Security.
These plans combine learning modules, progress milestones, and targeted outcomes, designed to be completed within 30 days. This approach sets a clear timeline, and by sticking to it, you'll walk away with significant knowledge by the end of the month. Each plan is tailored to specific topics, offering practical ways to master Microsoft technologies—whether you're aiming for certifications or looking to sharpen job-specific skills. With email reminders and progress tracking, it’s easier to stay on course and hit your learning goals.
Personally, I enjoy following these plans, with the AI and Copilot learning paths being my favorites. As an MVP, staying up to date with the latest technologies is essential, and these learning plans offer an excellent way to continuously grow and sharpen my technical skills. I highly recommend them to tech professionals who want to enhance their expertise!"
*Relevant Activity: "I've had the opportunity to present on Microsoft Azure Certifications at several Microsoft Community Conferences, both in-person and online, where I've highlighted key learning resources like Microsoft Learn and the 30-Day Learning Plans.
I am 15x Microsoft Certified professional myself."
Nicholas Chang, Microsoft Azure MVP, United Kingdom
Tech Community Blog | Microsoft Community Hub
“I use the Microsoft Tech Community Blogs for insightful articles and updates on Microsoft technologies. I often visit this site to stay up to date with topics like the Azure Infrastructure Blog.”
Muhammad Samiullah, Developer Technologies, Microsoft Azure MVP, Pakistan
Introduction to Azure for students - Training | Microsoft Learn
"If you're a student or a beginner looking to dive into cloud computing, I highly recommend this module as a starting point. It’s designed to help you understand the basics of cloud computing while showing how Microsoft Azure can solve common challenges we face as students.
It dives into how Azure can help with challenges we often face, like scaling apps to handle more users, keeping them secure, or even integrating AI into projects. Instead of worrying about setting up servers or spending a lot on infrastructure, Azure lets you focus on building and improving your ideas.
What’s great about this module is how it walks you through real-world scenarios, like scaling an app to handle millions of users or ensuring strong security, all while keeping it beginner friendly. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of core cloud concepts, practical applications of Azure, and tools to help you get started.
If you're curious about how cloud technology can make your projects better or just want to explore what Azure has to offer, this module is a great place to begin!"
*Relevant Blog: Explore Cloud Computing with the New "Azure for Students" Module!
Sasha Kranjac, Microsoft Regional Director / Security MVP, Croatia
AI learning hub | Microsoft Learn
"AI Learning hub is your starting point to get immersed into exciting world of AI, to help you get skilled up and ready to transform and empower your existing and future Microsoft Cloud solutions with the power of AI. It includes AI skill building resources for organizations and individuals, training events, official learning plans by technology and role, featured AI documentation and many more."
*Relevant Activities: I deliver a lot of technical sessions and presentations at conferences and customers' sites worldwide, and all of them include a mix of the hottest topics of today: security, Azure, Microsoft 365 and AI. You can attend my and many other extraordinary sessions at the conferences I strongly recommend: European Collaboration Summit, North American Collaboration Summit, European Cloud Summit, CollabDays (series of events organized worldwide) and many others
Published Dec 20, 2024
Version 1.0RieMoriguchi
Joined July 19, 2016
Microsoft MVP Program Blog
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