In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.
Edi Wang, Microsoft Azure MVP, China
.NET Announcements and Updates from Microsoft Build 2024 - .NET Blog
“This blog provides a detailed overview of the updates made to the .NET platform at Build 2024. For someone like me who doesn't have the time to watch the entire Build conference recording, this article is extremely helpful as it allows me to quickly grasp the information I'm interested in. The article's structure is well-organized, the code examples are concise and clear, and it offers enough links for readers to delve deeper into related topics."
Yin Zhang, Developer Technologies MVP, China
The Task Asynchronous Programming (TAP) model with async and await" - C# | Microsoft Learn
“Asynchronous programming is considered one of the most impressive features of C#. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how asynchronous programming works behind the scenes, enabling developers to appreciate the elegance of C# on a deeper level."
Wilson Wu, Microsoft Azure, Developer Technologies MVP, China
Cloud solutions | Microsoft Azure
“Users and customers can get good solution suggestions from this page, and for some similar use cases, it is good reference to use.”
Shunsuke Yoshikawa, Microsoft Azure MVP, Japan
New: Secure Sandboxes at Scale with Azure Container Apps Dynamic Sessions - Microsoft Community Hub
“It is an article introducing new features of Azure Container Apps that provide a secure sandbox environment. You can safely execute code generated by LLM and verify the results. These features will be useful for implementing AI-powered workloads.”
(In Japanese, セキュアなサンドボックス環境を提供するAzure Container Appsの新機能を紹介する記事です。LLMが生成したコードを安全に実行し、結果を確認できます。AIを活用したワークロードを実現するうえで、便利な機能となるでしょう。)
*Relevant Blog: 【Microsoft Build 2024速報】Azure Container Apps Dynamic Sessions で安全にコードを実行する - APC 技術ブログ (
*MVP profile details as of June 30, 2024.
Updated Jul 23, 2024
Version 3.0RieMoriguchi
Joined July 19, 2016
Microsoft MVP Program Blog
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