Any thought in adding features that would be more applicable to sales organizations. Having everything in one ecosystem provides better control and permissions functionality, but I have found that a few private alternatives have features that are necessary. For instance,
1. I'd like the idea of having a round-robin scheduler option. In such a feature, people who are otherwise indifferent about who they meet, can be randomly assigned, in order to have as even a distribution of appointments as possible among staff.
2. Alternatively, provide an option where people can be ranked, and assigned an appointment based on some seniority. Maybe a senior person gets the appointment first, if they aren't available, then a more junior person, and so-on.
3. Provide a calendar option that supersedes internal meeting conflicts so as not to lose sales opportunities due to time blocks people put on schedules. I have a weekly focus meeting on my calendar, but if a prospective client needed to meet, I could easily rearrange my calendar. In its current format, it will just look like I more busy than I actually am.