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Improved hybrid meeting experience in Outlook

Giovanni's avatar
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Feb 26, 2024

Outlook has now an improved hybrid meeting experience which gives you more options on how to manage and organize your meetings. This improved experience adds an option to mark an event as an in-person event, with this meeting organizers can request in-person attendance and attendees can RSVP confirming if they can indeed participate in person or if they can only make it virtually.


You will start seeing this this feature first in the new Outlook for Windows and the web experience in late March 2024. 


Organize a meeting and request in-person attendance

Many meetings are set up in a hybrid environment but sometimes it might make sense to ask people to attend in person. When organizing a meeting, the organizer can mark the meeting as in-person by selecting the In-Person event toggle next to the location field.


 Although the organizer is marking the event as "in-person", they can also add a Teams meeting for those people who are not able to make it into the office and still want to participate.  

Respond (RSVP) to a meeting invite with in-person request

When someone receives a meeting invite marked as an in-person event, they will now see an additional option when RSVPing "Yes" - instead of just one "Yes" option, you will now see three. Choose "Yes, in-person" if you plan to attend the meeting in-person as requested by the organizer, "Yes, virtually" if you would like to attend, but cannot make it in-person, or select "Yes" - with no attendance mode information - in case you prefer to confirm participation, but not disclose how you will attend.




Track in-person responses

As attendees respond to an in-person request, the organizer can track responses in the tracking pane, which displays each person's attendance preference along with their response.



If you want to follow the status of this feature, you can keep track of it in the Microsoft 365 roadmap.

We hope this feature will improve your hybrid meeting experience, make managing your calendar easier, and help with your time management tasks. 




Updated Feb 23, 2024
Version 1.0
  • Any thoughts when this will be accessible programmatically in OfficeJS?


    It would be great to sync new features in products with their extensibility model.

  • Rj__M , we did consider reducing the options to just two ("Yes, in person" and "Yes, virtually"), but ended up preferring to give our users the flexibility to choose if they want or not to disclose their location/attendance mode while they are responding to an invite.

    Why? Because there cases where users cannot or do not want to share an attendance mode. Just imagine for a sec that you want to respond immediately and already book that time as busy, but you are not sure yet if you will indeed be able to attend in person. Therefore, we will initially launch this feature with all three options and monitor how much usage each one gets. With post-launch usage data and user feedback, we will be better fit to assess what is the best user experience for our users: all three options (Yes, in person | Yes, virtually | Yes) or just two options (Yes, in person | Yes, virtually).

  • Rj__M's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    This is a great feature, thank you. Just wondering if the "Yes" on its own is needed in the list of response options. Respondents would either choose "Yes, virtually" or "Yes, in person." If someone chose "Yes" you wouldn't know if they were attending in person or remotely. Thanks for considering.

  • No, AaronCouch. These new functionalities will be initially released only for Outlook on the Web and the New Outlook for Windows desktop app. We will then assess their acceptance, usage and feedback before proposing any potential extension to supporting it on other clients, including Mac and Mobile.