Millions of reactions are used every day
Outlook users use a myriad of reactions on a daily basis. Thumbs up and hearts decorate congratulatory emails without causing reply-all floods. Sad faces h...
philipatoutlook You mentioned in a comment above from September 20, 2023 that "The grayout is already live on the new Outlook for Windows; for the classic Desktop client, we're hoping to be able to make the change within the next few months." Do you have an update for this? We are using M365 Outlook with a pilot group. Outlook Reactions are disabled at the tenant level by the message header. However, M365 Outlook still shows Reactions and, to add insult to injury, our users are being prompted with the banner to encourage them to use the feature. They can add a reaction to an email and then the sender won't see that they've responded with the reaction. We can't move our users off of LTSC until this is fixed.
Can you please provide an eta for graying out Reactions in (what you are referring to as) Classic Outlook?