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Partner Updates Denmark & Iceland

MCPP | Partner associations playbook is available

ceciliebergendorff's avatar
Apr 28, 2023

In preparation for the launch of the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program on October 3, 2022, a new playbook on how to associate partner activity and success with customers for the purposes of earning a Microsoft Solutions Partner designation has been published.

The Solutions Partner associations playbook reviews how to use Digital Partner of Record (DPOR), Claiming Partner of Record (CPOR), Partner Admin Link (PAL), Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) for partner associations. The goal is to help you understand:

  • Partner associations are the sole mechanism by which customer success, performance, and skilling category points are acknowledged and calculated towards achieving solutions partner designation(s). Without these associations in place, partner capability score points are not recognized.
  • How to get these associations implemented on your end and with the support of their customer if needed.

For each of the association processes, the playbook contains information and graphics on how each process works, the benefits for using it, types of associations, a how-to section, an FAQ, and links for resources.

They playbook is accessible:

For download

Or within the MCPP Partner Training Gallery

Updated Apr 28, 2023
Version 2.0