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Public Sector Blog

FedHack: Democratized Application Development

goodjohnscott's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 11, 2022

*** This Event is Open to Federal Organizations Only ***


The federal landscape is expected to change dramatically over the next decade.  Success increasingly depends on an interconnected government and empowering citizen developers.

A Federal Hackathon where cross agency teams leverage existing investments and Microsoft expertise to develop solutions that address shared challenges.

Transformational change in the way the US Government works, where citizen developers within agencies collaborate to achieve mutual goals.  In addition, an initial catalog of solutions created for the government, by the government, solving challenges unique to the government.


Hackathon Details

March 14th – April 1st

Applications Open Call


Open call for federal organizations to submit application ideas.  Go to… …to submit your ideas.  Ideal applications would meet these requirements:

  • Applicable to multiple agencies
  • Developed in ~3 days using Power Platform



April 11th

Hackathon Applications Announced


Top 4 impactful application ideas will be announced.  Participants can start identifying what application they wish to work on. 



April 19th – April 21st



Time to hack.  Inter-organization teams will be paired up with a coach and together they will develop proof of concepts of an application that addresses exceptional business needs.  If you want to participate in the hackathon, sign up here…


The Hackathon will be held at the…

Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center

901 K St NW

11th Floor

Washington D.C., 20001



April 25th - April 27th

Virtual Coaching


Teams can continue to work on their application and will have access to experts at Microsoft to ask questions.



April 28th

Solutions Showcase

11am EST – 1pm EST

Teams will present their solutions and discuss their implementation.




Call to Action

Do you have an idea for an application that will benefit not only your federal organization but other federal organizations as well?  Submit your ideas using the button below.


Note: Ideal applications should meet these requirements:

  • Applicable to multiple agencies
  • Developed in ~3 days using Power Platform


Submit an Idea for an Application



Want to hack and can be at the Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center April 19th – 21st? 


We are looking for a wide range of skillsets to make up inter-federal organizational teams to develop applications that address shared challenges faced by multiple agencies, pro-developers… :heavy_check_mark:, citizen developers… :heavy_check_mark:, marketing experts… :heavy_check_mark:, project managers… :heavy_check_mark:, subject matter experts… :heavy_check_mark:, and the list goes on and on.  Each team will be paired up with a coach from Microsoft and together they will develop proof of concepts of an application that any federal organization can leverage.  Reserve your seats now, space is limited.


Signup to Hack



Updated Mar 09, 2022
Version 1.0
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