Once again, the Microsoft CSM (Customer Success Manager) team representing State & Local Government customers has produced a new 4-week series on the topic of Meetings in Microsoft Teams.
The recordings can now be found online in a new YouTube playlist here, which complements our previous series.
Customers are getting great value from having these series done on a regular basis. Not only does it help to reinforce key meeting best practices, but it's also important given the constant flow of innovation and features that roll out to Microsoft Teams every month. This series is also timely as we near the full deprecation of Skype for Business Online (SfBO), and many customers are working to make sure their users have a smooth transition from their use of SfBO meetings to now Teams meetings.
Here's a description of the sessions you'll find:
- Before the Meeting
- Introduction to Teams - Why Teams Meetings?
- Ways to Access Teams; Choosing How to Meet
- Setting Meeting Expectations - Roles and Access
- Meeting Extensibility
- During the Meeting
- Meetings Features (Part 1 and Part 2)
- Sharing Assets During a Meeting
- After the Meeting
- Sharing Outcomes of the Meeting
- Post-meeting Collaboration & Learning Resources
- Use Cases for the Teams Mobile App
- Best Practices
- Accessibility in Teams
- Troubleshooting Common Teams Meetings Issues
- Teams Meetings GCC Roadmap
- Advantages of Teams as a Platform
Related Teams for Government articles: Notifs in GCC | Custom Apps in GCC | Gamification of Teams
Updated May 24, 2021
Version 1.0RicardoWilkins
Joined December 06, 2017
Public Sector Blog
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