Hi Maria,
This was a while ago and I seem to remember that no solution other than the "RFC_READ_TABLE2" endpoint in SAP was forthcoming from Microsoft. We ended up staying with BODS (Business Objects Data Services) for the Extract of our ETL, then ADF and SSIS for the downstream TL (Transform and Load).
I've just dug out the email trail I had with my colleagues which might have some pointers for you. There are competing connectors in open source that don't use the slow "RFC_READ_TABLE2" endpoint of the .Net Connector 3.0 that SAP wrote for Microsoft to use in Microsoft's SHIR - see the last few comments by me "LLL". And in the earlier comments are our thoughts and research including third party ETL tools comparisons with performance results and comments about the internal "engines" used in those products.
Hopefully you might find this useful! (I've redacts all names, sensitive info and images) ...
There’s one for node as well, and this one explicitly says it supports call-backs! …
Jeez, like buses, you wait for ages and then two come along at the same time!
And why TF does everyone else’s stacks work with the SAP NW SDK except Microsoft and the .Net stack? Maybe because SAP wrote the NCo 3.0 and deliberately left out the functionality for big tables handling (callbacks, batches needed for streaming type functions) to hobble Microsoft’s ADF connector and protect their BODS / SAP business, as PPP suggested?
Oh wait, that’s made me think of something … oh blimey, yes, there’s a competing .Net one in Github too! …
THREE buses!
By George and all the Saints – you beauty, you!
We might be in luck …
Looks like that guy is using call-backs with the Pyrfc kit, albeit he’s struggling with getting the config of the batches etc. required to drive the throughput.
I thought this was a dead dog, but I’ll look into it when I get a moment,
As a suggestion, can we try the to Python (PyRFC) or you think we will be hit by the NW RFC issue with it as well ?
A few documentations:
https://blogs.sap.com/2016/02/21/how-to-use-actual-sap-netweaver-rfc-library-with-python-call-abap-report/ ( called an ABAP report using Python)
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24172130/open-sql-condition-in-rfc-read-table-call-via-pyrfc ( something you have done )
Hi All,
I’ve used the Visual Studio on xxxx server to develop a tester to access CDPOS.
It seems the limitation in the ADF SAP tables connector that binds it only to the slower /SAPDS/RFC_READ_TABLE2 function but not the faster streaming /SAPDS/RFC_STREAM_READ_TABLE function is in the underlying SAP .Net Connector 3.0 (NCo) framework on which the ADF connector is based. The NCo framework doesn’t implement the call-back function functionality required for batching the results. This functionality is the essence of how the /SAPDS/RFC_STREAM_READ_TABLE - and similar SAP functions that use call-backs – works. As I hit the issue I searched and found these – see the comments from Markus Tolksdorf of SAP “NCo 3.0 is not supporting callbacks from ABAP to .NET.” in both …
So while my tester app accesses SAP and uses the slower functions like /SAPDS/RFC_READ_TABLE2 OK, it cannot access the faster functions that use call-backs, like the streaming /SAPDS/RFC_STREAM_READ_TABLE function.
So, beneath the NCo is a lower level framework called the “SAP NetWeaver Remote Function Call (RFC) Software Development Kit (SDK)” out of which the NCo itself is likely built …
I suspect vendors like Aecorsoft have used this framework to build their tool that is faster than BODS – indeed BODS itself is likely built with this low level framework too.
I know C but not C++, so building a solution in that framework will take me a long time given it’s C/C++. I think Aecorsoft is our only solution to get a direct connection working end-to-end from “SAP to the App”.
For input into our next meeting,
Hi All,
In continuation to our testing of different ETL tools for the purpose of data extraction from SAP, we have now installed and tested Microsoft’s SSIS ETL tool with help of a third-party connector. The SAP ERP connector is provided by a company call CData and is a trial version valid for 30 days. The reason behind using this connector is because its 30 days trial version was freely available without any additional formalities(probably we can use any other connector like Aecorosoft as suggested by LLL). The choice of selecting a feasible third party connector for this purpose has been left for later as our current PoC was more centered around the idea of making SSIS work with SAP rather than making a particular connector work. Please find the link for SAP ERP CData connector used for this exercise below.
Now coming back to the performance of SSIS in comparison to BODS. We performed data extraction of SAP CDPOS table form QAS 220(which had approximately 40 million records in QAS) in both SSIS and BODS. Below are the results.
- RFC function usage and type of processing
- BODS – As mentioned in our previous email, BODS uses an RFC stream function which process data in batches.
- SSIS – SSIS along with CData connector, currently makes use of RFC_READ_TABLE2 function which also processes data in batches with continuously releasing memory upon completion of each batch unlike Azure which never releases memory throughout the process as it tries to read data in one single read instead of batch. So, this function overcomes the issue of memory dump error which was encountered whilst extracting data using Azure. One point to be noted here is that, the Cdata connector also provides the option for specifying any RFC function as shown below, however, the function needs to be customized in order to accept parameters from the connector. We attempted to use the RFC stream function used by BODS but got an error where the function was expecting a value for row count but was not being sent by the connector.
Result – SSIS with CData connector processes data in batches similar to what BODS does overcoming the memory dump issue that was encountered in Azure.
- Execution time
- BODS – The processing time in BODS to extract approx. 40 million records from SAP CDPOS table in QAS was just 2 minutes and 35 seconds as shown below.
<<image removed>>
The reason behind a faster execution time is because BODS uses a DOP(Degree of parallelism) concept called round robin which splits the incoming stream into multiple streams to enable parallel processing of data simultaneously as shown below.
<<image removed>>
- SSIS – The processing time in SSIS to extract approx. 40 million records from SAP CDPOS table in QAS was 20 minutes and 53 seconds as shown below.
<<image removed>>
Result – It is clear by the results that the processing in BODS is way to faster than SSIS with CData connector. Note that although, the processing time can vary based on how the data is fetched by the third party connector, at this point it is not clear if any other process/transformation in SSIS can have a better performance than BODS.
Please share your suggestions and let’s discuss this in our next review call. Thank you.
Hi All,
Happy new year to you and hope you had a great time off.
SSS & I have compared and tested the SAP data extraction mechanism in various ETL tools that are available or have been suggested to us. As part of this exercise, we have attempted to compare four ETL tools: BODS, Azure, Talend & SSIS. Out of these four, we were able to thoroughly replicate the extraction process for BODS and Azure but ran into issues at the very initial step for the other two. The testing for these two will commence at a later stage as there are certain dependencies(mentioned below) that needs to be addressed before moving further.
Below are our findings:
- BODS – When extracting data from SAP, BODS calls an RFC enabled function called “RFC_STREAM_DATA_TABLE”. This function processes data in batches and has an option to control the batch size by specifying the number of records to be fetched in each batch. This function is customizable, and the parameters can be controlled from within SAP application server. Due to this method of extraction, BODS can pull large data sets as the memory never goes out of bound because the function executes data in batches enabling it to consume less memory in the SAP system, thereby improving the performance. Currently a Default batch size of 5000 is configured for one RFC session per table as shown below.
- Azure – Azure SAP table extract method makes use of an RFC enabled function called “RFC_READ_TABLE2” as shown below. This function tries to read table in one go instead of reading in batches which impacts the overall performance as the complete data set is first cached into memory. As a result, this method is not suitable for big SAP tables as the process aborts within minutes because of insufficient memory error.
In order to overcome the shortcomings of this process, Azure provides an option to extract data from SAP with partition (which is an extension of the above mentioned process) but apparently, this also fails to improve the performance and runs into space issues as it creates multiple RFC sessions per table as shown below. Another short coming of using the partition method is that, currently Microsoft supports only a few data types with this function.
<<image removed>>
Azure also provides an alternate method of data extraction from ECC using odata which is SAP’s version of consuming data using RESTful APIs. We were not able to test this at this point as it requires an additional process to be configured within the SAP server post approval from RB SAP owner and security team.
- Talend – For extracting SAP data using Talend, a Talend subscription is required as this feature is not included in the Talend Open Studio version which is the free version of Talend. A decision needs to be made by the management if we want to proceed with this tool which will involve a cost in procuring a license for the required subscription.
- SSIS – There’s not much to mention here as we are at a nascent stage of SSIS implementation. A ticket xxxx has already been raised with the support team for the installation.
In a nutshell, we can say that with the current set of tools and configurations available to us, BODS seem to be a clear winner when it comes to data extraction from SAP system. Azure DF, on the other hand, still needs to mature as an ETL tool as it needs a lot of features to qualify as a full-fledged ETL tool(and requires a lot of additional configurations\set ups to suit our current data extraction requirement). As mentioned in the beginning, not much can be said for Talend and SSIS at this point as we need to test these tools first in order to do a successful comparison and see whether any of these tools can replace BODS as a primary SAP extraction tool.
Please send your opinions\suggestions and let’s discuss this in our next review call. Thank you.