Welcoming new charter and preferred partners into the Microsoft 365 Content Services Partner Program
At Microsoft Ignite this week, we’re thrilled to welcome several new and up-leveled charter and preferred partners to the Microsoft Content Services Partner Program. Our partners are helping customers around the globe utilize the capabilities of Microsoft Knowledge and Content Services, including SharePoint Syntex and Microsoft Viva Topics.
Preferred Partners
Our preferred tier of partners consists of organizations that are making continued strides in the knowledge and content services spaces. They have completed our highest level of requirements for program membership and have demonstrated the excellent work in their respective spaces. We’re excited to see their future growth in this space and delighted to welcome them to the top tier of our program.
- AvePoint
- Campana & Schott
- Cloud Essentials
- Engage Squared
- HCL Technologies
- Konsolute
- RecordPoint
- Wipro Technologies
Charter Partners
We’re also pleased to announce a large group of partners into our charter tier of the Microsoft Content Services Partner Program. It’s great to see the progress that has been made by the partners that are up leveling and we’re excited to welcome in the new partners that are joining us. Thank you for your partnership.
- acoris AG
- Cyclotron
- Infotechtion Ltd.
- Inmeta Consulting AS
- Intergen
- Mint Management Technologies
- Net at Work GmbH
- Ovatio Technologies
- Teknertia Inc.
- Winvision
- WorkPoint A/S
To read about other work our partners have been involved in, visit our Case Studies library on the Microsoft Tech Community Resource Center. And to learn more about the charter and preferred members of the Microsoft Content Services Partner Program, visit the Content Services Partners page.
Updated Mar 02, 2021
Version 3.0Chris McNulty
Joined June 24, 2016
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