Within server 2016 Certificate Authority (certsrv.msc) > [CA Name] Properties > Extensions > CRL Distribution Point (CDP) > Add Location dialog window; LDAP uri/url/location is defined with three forward slashes, do not add the "DC=contoso,DC=com". No not use a comma between "<ConfigurationContainer>" and "<CDPObjectClass>" even though the "Description of selected variable:" window for "<ConfigurationContainer>" shows it followed by a comma. In the following example the "CN=<ServerShortName>," portion uses <CaName> or can use the Failover Cluster role name:
ldap:///<CaName><CRLNameSuffix>,CN=<CaName>,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,<ConfigurationContainer><CDPObjectClass>
As listed in:
- Migrating the Certification Authority: Verifying certificate extensions on the destination CA
- Configure the CDP and AIA Extensions on CA1
- Certification Authority Guidance