First published on TECHNET on Jan 24, 2013
The Delivering Lync 2013 Real-Time Communications over Wi-Fi white paper is now available from the Microsoft Download Center. This white paper describes how Lync 2013 communications software on multiple platforms and device types is now validated with voice and video (real-time media) workloads over wireless local area networks (Wi-Fi networks). The guidance and documentation provided here also applies to Lync 2010 deployments and earlier releases. However, full Wi-Fi support is available only with a Lync 2013 client. Changes in the Lync media stack available with Lync 2013 improve overall performance on high-loss, high-jitter wired or wireless networks.
To optimize the wireless infrastructure, in particular for real-time media traffic, this white paper provides details regarding Wi-Fi (WLAN) technology, configuration settings, and optimization.
In addition, this white paper provides deployment recommendations and evaluates typical enterprise, public hotspot, and home Wi-Fi deployments for real-time bidirectional media quality.
To download the white paper, see Delivering Lync 2013 Real-Time Communications over Wi-Fi .
Author : Peter Schmatz, Microsoft Senior Program Manager
Technical Reviewers: Amer Hassan, Pascal Menezes, Victoria Poncini
Editor: June Rugh
Publication date : January 25, 2013
Product version : Lync Server 2013, Office Communications Server 2007, Office Communications Server 2007 R2, Lync Server 2010, Windows 7, Windows 8
Wi-Fi connectivity is ubiquitous, and users expect to find Wi-Fi access in the office, at home, in public hotspots, in hotels, and on the road. However, the Quality of Service (QoS) in Wi-Fi varies widely, ranging from the ability to support basic email sync and web traffic, to the ability to support of a full range of multimedia applications and real-time communications.
This deployment guide discusses different usage scenarios of wireless connected devices, coverage, capacity, and QoS aspects, specifically for delivering real-time communication workloads, such as audio, video, and application sharing. You’ll also find deployment recommendations for enterprise, hotspot, and home Wi-Fi deployments, and a full discussion of issues and mitigations. Finally, the extensive appendix provides a detailed overview of legacy, current, and future Wi-Fi standards, Wi-Fi frequencies, Wi-Fi security, and Wi-Fi WAP handover and resource management.
By successfully deploying Lync 2013 over wireless networks—optimizing your wireless infrastructure for real-time media traffic, prioritizing types of usage, preparing for specific scenarios, and applying appropriate mitigations—you can help to ensure the best possible Lync 2013 experience for all users.
This white paper includes the following sections:
- Usage Scenarios
- Enterprise Wi-Fi usage scenarios (voice/video mobility; personal devices)
- Home Wi-Fi usage scenarios
- Public Wi-Fi hotspots usage scenarios
- Issues that Affect Wi-Fi Performance for Real-Time Application
- General issues (wireless NIC drivers, wireless NIC chipsets and hardware, legacy interoperability issues)
- Issues in enterprise Wi-Fi deployments
- Issues in public Wi-Fi hotspots
- Issues in home Wi-Fi deployments
- Enterprise Wi-Fi
- Mixed or Wi-Fi-only enterprise deployment
- Device types, usage patterns, legacy devices
- Usage patterns in enterprise Wi-Fi
- Windows 7 and Windows 8 considerations for Lync and Skype
- Legacy devices in enterprise Wi-Fi
- WMM QoS and Power Save support
- Enterprise WLAN controller
- Recommended Wi-Fi feature support and Wi-Fi configuration settings
- Wi-Fi policies
- Wireless network card recommendations
- Enterprise Voice Certifications
- Home Wi-Fi
- Home Wi-Fi deployment recommendations
- Public hotspot Wi-Fi
- Basic hotspot configurations
- Wi-Fi standards (IEEE, MIMO)
- Wi-Fi frequencies
- Wi-Fi security
- Wi-Fi WAP handover and resource management
Lync Server Resources
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Keywords : Wi-Fi; wireless; wireless local area network; WLAN; wireless access point; WAP; AP; wireless infrastructure; real-time media; real-time communications; voice; video; communications software; communications workload; deployment guide; Lync 2010; Office Communications Server R2; Office Communications Server 2007; Lync experience; hotspot; public hotspot; hotspot Wi-Fi; enterprise Wi-Fi; home Wi-Fi; Lync 2013; Windows 7; Windows 8; Skype; hot spot;; wireless standards; mobile; mobility
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