In this classic admin's tale, curated over the years by SharePoint users and enthusiasts since March 27th, 2001, the quiet reasoning of the words and the gentle, inspiring illustrations combine to make a perfect, colorful, holiday whitepaper to find your way through the modern intranet.
In the great server room, propped up in the cloud, is an IT Pro with solutions so proud. "Goodnight subsites, goodnight single bloated site collection." And to all the modernized things in the humming datacenter—to the picture of weary site owners not sleeping nights, to frustrated users suffering frights, to broken links and broken permissions, to everything one by one—the brave information architect says goodnight.
One of the most beloved tech PDFs of 2021, Goodnight Subsites is a must read for every IT bookshelf and a holiday gift for Microsoft 365 migrators and each and every hub site creation event. Read and share the full story below:
Goodnight Subsites by Susan Hanley [Author], Mark Kashman [Author], and Rebecca Jackson [Illustrator]
Visit and share to experience this wonderful perspective of a world that is flat. #GoodnightSubsites #SharePoint @SusanHanley @MKashman @RebeccaJLJ. Learn more: and
Full, written text of Goodnight Subsites:
In the legacy of SharePoint,
On a single farm
There was a single site collection
With too many subsites -
A mess to anyone’s recollection.
Weary site owners couldn’t sleep nights
Frustrated users suffered their frights.
Broken links, too many restrictions,
As if no one cared to depict inevitable depictions.
The whole of the intranet was about to ker’flop,
Until a brave information architect shouted, “STOP!”
There’s a much better way
With flexibility you’ll love…
Structure related sites under a fresh new hub.
Today’s intranet revolves around a world that is flat!
Every project and team get their own site collection – STAT!
Goodnight subsites.
Goodnight disinherited permissions.
Goodnight single, bloated site collection.
Happy users no longer moping.
Ready to organize, already coping.
Ready to join the modern intranet club?
Admins rejoice: “Hub before sub.”
A tech parody inspired by “Goodnight Moon” written by Margaret Wise Brown.
Sentiment shared by All.
Goodnight Subsites (PDF (c) December 2021), by Susan Hanley (Author), Mark Kashman (Author), and Rebecca Jackson (Illustrator). Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.
Happy holidays, cheers and enjoy, Susan_Hanley, Mark-Kashman, and RebeccaJLJ
Updated Dec 22, 2021
Version 4.0Mark-Kashman
Joined June 24, 2016
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