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Microsoft SharePoint Blog

Introducing a new community hub for Content Management

Rob_Nunez's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 13, 2024

A new hub for content services across Microsoft 365


Microsoft offers a broad range of content solutions, fully managed and integrated in the flow of work. With the scope of content management solutions within our portfolio expanding, it is important to keep our communities connected and informed with a space that encompasses all of our solutions under one central hub.

We are excited to introduce the new Content Management hub- bringing together our already thriving and enthusiastic SharePoint group, and adding a few new spaces to evolve our community and conversations.



This new hub will cover solution areas from the Microsoft 365 catalog, including existing and new discussions and blog spaces for:


The flexible content platform that powers Microsoft 365


  • Collaborate - Empower teams with dynamic sites in Microsoft Teams. Sync and share files, data, and resources securely.
  • Inform - Publish info & resources on your intranet. Tell your story with beautiful custom sites and personalized, targeted news.
  • Deliver - Access, manage and store collaborative and transactional content in our flexible high scale cloud platform integrated across Microsoft 365.


SharePoint Premium

Bring AI, automation, and added security to your content experiences, processing, and governance. Manage and ground your content in AI, so it’s primed for user experiences throughout Microsoft 365 Copilot.


  • Content processing – better organize your content to maximize its value with AI-driven automation and intelligence to build, classify & tag documents and prepare content for Copilot.
  • Content experiences – boost employee productivity, improve your business processes by keeping content fresh, enable discovery, and collaborate on hundreds of file types. Optimize critical business processes like contracts, invoices, SOWs, NDAs, and more with AI, security and workflow.
  • Content governance – maintain security and compliance by managing the content lifecycle and control access with simple yet powerful tools.



SharePoint Embedded


  • Build rich applications that go beyond M365 with fully managed and controlled content inside your org trust boundary, all with the power of our APIs in the Microsoft Graph



Other content management solutions you will find in this community:

Microsoft 365 Backup


  • Backup and restore large volumes of your data with unprecedented speed in Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, and more from inside the Microsoft 365 trust boundary.
  • Microsoft developers and ISV partners can also integrate Microsoft 365 Backup Storage into their solutions to bring the speed of our data protection solutions directly to their complaint solutions.


Microsoft 365 Archive


  • Manage your growing content volume and storage costs with cost-effective tiered storage within the Microsoft 365 boundary, without sacrificing manageability, security, and compliance.


What to expect, and what is changing


For existing SharePoint community members, there will be no change in the current discussions and blog spaces available, as these will all remain intact within the new community hub. With the addition of new spaces including SharePoint Embedded, Microsoft 365 Backup, and Microsoft 365 Archive, we are looking forward to growing the community to continue driving engaging conversations and rich content.


You can expect to see the update to the community hub go into effect by Tuesday, February 27th, 2024.



Begin your content management experience


With Microsoft 365’s collection of AI-powered content management services you will add value to what you create and put the content to work for you. Organize, find, and manage content through its lifecycle with a rich amount of content service tools available to automate normally mundane tasks. Content management solutions are the foundation for businesses to operate with efficiency, security, and organize large volumes of data with the speed of AI.


Start your evolution today:

Updated Feb 13, 2024
Version 2.0
  • Davide Aiello's avatar
    Davide Aiello
    Brass Contributor

    Edwin Ocasio I agree with you my friend. A lot of things changed but... The problem is relative to what the end users had learn after they use for 4 years Teams as a "killer application". They don't  want to use anymore Content types. They put files in Channels that as you know doesn't describe Documents structure but only Topics. A the end there are companies where the use of Teams had destroyed all the simple rules to manage in a logic way the content management. Information Management is not in the scope of Teams. Categorization of files and Record Management is not something that in Teams works in the right way. Search of the content is a nightmare and if you leave a document in a chat it's impossible to find it after one year. There are things that have to be managed with "Rules" and Microsoft have to work to correct some things that Teams had made "old". All like you and me who loves Sharepoint we have to protect Columns, Content types, Views and make those thing simple to be used also in Teams.  I'm not again Microsoft Teams. I would like that the implementation of Teams with Sharepoint become better. Starting from specific Channels for Document management and others only for Discussions and Meetings. Take a look to Discord and you will see what I mean


  • Edwin Ocasio's avatar
    Edwin Ocasio
    Copper Contributor

    Davide Aiello Even with the focus on Teams, we managed to keep SharePoint "Alive".  The Teams SharePoint site was now more suited to target content to that team with minimal admin tasks (access/permissions/sharing).

  • Davide Aiello's avatar
    Davide Aiello
    Brass Contributor

    Nice to know that finally Microsoft want to push on a community of practices that can bring again Sharepoint on the top of Content Management. After 4 years of "Teams" collaboration (it bringed a lot of confusion on the market) we have to re-think about how to make Sharepoint stay alive. And kicking.



  • EmilyPerina's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi TobiasAT, we sent out our notifications today to give all the SharePoint community members plenty of time to read about the update and share any feedback before February 27th. 

  • TobiasAT's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    A question to EmilyPerina . Why are you sending a private message for the Content Hub information today when the Content Hub is planned for Tuesday, February 27, 2024? It's in two weeks. In my opinion, it makes more sense to send a private message one or two days before the launch, or on the same day.