Hi, Melito So happy to read that something along the lines of Discard changes is coming soon. I was alerted yesterday to the new features being in our production tenant (I still don't have them). I tested the new features in our targeted release tenant. I'd like to echo concerns from Christian_Deimel. I am concerned about the page status no longer displaying. We use that status all day, every day to know if a page is live, waiting for approval, rejected, etc. Having to go into the version history to understand the status of each page is extraordinarily time consuming when you have thousands of pages and hundreds of authors managing hundreds of sites. Many of our authors are not particularly tech savvy and are updating their sites as "other duties as assigned" in their job descriptions. We haven't taught them how to use the version history at all as it's not a simple thing to retain, especially when the author only makes a few updates a year. Having the page status display at the top of the page is critical to all authors and SharePoint admins quickly understanding if all the edits are live to those with read permissions or if action is needed.