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Microsoft SharePoint Blog

Introducing flexible sections in SharePoint Pages and News

katelynhelms's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 13, 2025

We are excited to share that we are releasing flexible sections in SharePoint Pages and News. This new section type will empower authors to build dynamic pages without the strict column structure. Within these sections, web parts can be moved anywhere on the 2-dimensional grid, resized, overlapped, and grouped.

Adding a flexible section to your page

When adding a section to your page, you will notice a new section type, “Flexible”, in the section toolbox.

Adding web parts to your flexible section

After adding a flexible section to your page, use the content pane Toolbox on the right side of the canvas to add web parts and media by clicking or dragging-and-dropping them into the section.

Web parts can be moved anywhere on the two-dimensional grid within flexible sections. When you move a web part using drag-and-drop, you’ll notice a drop hint appears. The top-left corner of web parts will snap to the nearest border.

When moving web parts, you will also notice alignment cues that help you align a web part to other web parts or to the middle of a section.

Resizing web parts and flexible sections

Web parts can be resized within flexible sections using the resize handles on the border of the web part. Web part size options vary by web part. Web parts such as Text and Image can be resized to most widths. Other web parts, such as People and Quick Links, have four size options. These four size options correlate to the sizes of these web parts in non-flexible sections. Custom web parts can be added to flexible sections and resized to four size options by default. When resizing web parts, you will notice resize hints.

Resize your section by using the section resize handle at the bottom right of the section. The section height will automatically grow if you add a web part to the bottom of a section when more space is needed.

Arranging and grouping web parts within flexible sections

Web parts can be overlapped within flexible sections. You can change the arrangement by using the dropdown in the web part toolbar.

Web parts can also be grouped together within flexible sections. This grouping persists across editing sessions and signifies that those web parts are related. When web parts are grouped, they reflow together in mobile view.

Changing and previewing the mobile reflow model for flexible sections

When a flexible section is viewed on mobile or in email, it is transformed into a one-column section. There are two reflow algorithms available, one that prioritizes web parts from left to right and another that prioritizes web parts from top to bottom. Within the section properties pane, you can change which reflow algorithm is used.

To preview how your flexible section looks across different device types and in email, use the Preview button in the command bar.


The features and capabilities mentioned in this blog post are demonstrated in the following video with Katelyn Helm (Microsoft) and Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft).

Frequently asked questions

When will this happen?

The feature has started rolling out to Targeted Release customers and will continue to roll out to all customers through the end of April 2025.

This message is associated with Microsoft Roadmap ID 395213.

Is custom web parts supported in flexible layouts?

Yes. Any custom web part build with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is also supported within the flexible layouts. We will be also releasing first preview version of the SPFx v1.21 by end of February 2025 with additional support for flexible layout configuration in the web part manifest details.

What do you need to prepare?

There is nothing you need to do to prepare, but you can let your users know about this new experience.

What is next?

  • We are planning to enable more sizing options for all web parts.
  • We are considering other user customization for how flexible sections reflow in email and on smaller devices.


Thanks for reading. Please enjoy making beautiful, flexible pages and let us know any feedback or questions in the comments.

Updated Feb 13, 2025
Version 2.0
  • Was very excited to use this new feature. Created a page that was exactly what I wanted and it looked good. That in itself was tough as I noticed the same issues that others had with having to keep moving things back to the location where I wanted it. However, after publishing the page, I found that it does not display the same on everyone's PCs even if they have the same settings. It is putting the web parts out of order and being responsive when it should not be. I ended up having to remove the flexble sections and change over to standard sections. I was not using any custom web parts--just text and images.

  • JOSEM365's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hola, equipo de Microsoft, excelente noticia, ¿podemos saber cuándo tendremos esta funcionalidad en nuestra empresa si somos partners de Microsoft 365?

  • SimonNovia's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm delighted to see this and excited to try it out.

    Hopefully it will be available for the forthcoming SharePoint Hackathon.


    I'd love to see some exemplar design ideas using the new feature, by way of a gallery. Maybe open source that via GitHub/ Learn?

  • PhilMcNiven's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Are there troubleshooting guidance for this feature? Some users in our tenant are not seeing, others are.

  • pnthrzrule's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    I tried resizing a quick links web part to display an even number of tiles in each row. As soon as I saved as draft, the web part reverted right back as if it were in a 1/3 column. It's super duper buggy right now. I love the concept and was super excited to start using it. Unfortunately is not even behaving at a beta level for me right now. ho hum...

    • katelynhelms's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi pnthrzrule - Thank you for your feedback and quick adoption. We are actively working on improving the feature by addressing bugs like the one you mentioned. Thanks again!

  • Beth_P1230's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    As previous comment mentioned, I was excited to get access to this feature but have found that placing web parts into the section is 'tricky' and takes several attempts to get it to look right. Once placed, you are 'stuck' with where it is and are forced to start over. It won't allow you to rearrange web parts once placed. This makes the section not usable for our standard users as I anticipate a high level of frustration.

    • katelynhelms's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Beth_P1230 - Thank you for your feedback. We are actively researching this issue and making improvements to the feature. 

    • pnthrzrule's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      I haven't had the stuck problem you mentioned; however, it is voraciously buggy!

  • KSwie's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Both,
    Thanks for the introduction. I like this new feature very much; however, I'm struggling with images. I added a couple of images and text. Resized the images. Once I click outside the image or select any text, the image reverts back to its original size. I have to scale the images a couple of times before the keep the size I want.

    • katelynhelms's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi KSwie - Thank you for your feedback! We are in the process of fixing the issue you reported. Thanks again!