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Microsoft SharePoint Blog

Microsoft 365 & SharePoint PnP Weekly - Episode 84

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May 20, 2020

In this weekly discussion of latest news and topics around Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft), Waldek Mastykarz (Rencore), are joined by Rabia Williams – MVP, Developer with Engage Squared in Brisbane, Australia.


This episode’s conversation evolves from the ease of working with SharePoint Framework, to challenges of cloud-based authentication, to being involved with the tremendous growth of Microsoft Teams apps and extensions. On becoming an MVP – focus on creating awareness and on sharing your interests and learnings with others. On PnP awareness – the reality is there are more newbies than experts out there, it’s incumbent on us to keep learning how to explain the basics better.


The trio agrees – contributing to an open-source effort is a different type of developer experience. It’s people to people focused, it’s inclusive, it’s addictive and it’s rewarding


This episode was recorded on Monday, May 18, 2020.



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Published May 20, 2020
Version 1.0
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