In this weekly discussion of latest news and topics around Microsoft 365, hosts –
Success is defined by people, not by technology.
There is a need to manage the disconnects between decision makers, IT and information users. Tips for how include: Get end-users in room to define actual requirements, keep refining how to engage and support users, embrace Evergreen mode, manage IT’s fears, make decisions based on analytics and not on emotions. There are opportunities for surfacing actionable data more readily. Are customers transitioning to Teams as their intranet? Teams is the platform for collaboration pared with SharePoint for content discoverability.
Additionally, in this episode, 15 recently released articles from Microsoft and the PnP Community are highlighted.
This episode was recorded on Monday, July 13, 2020.
Did we miss your article? Please use #PnPWeekly hashtag in the Twitter for letting us know the content which you have created.
Notice. Next PnP Weekly will be released on 11th of August as the team will take some time off with families. We'll be back soon. Have a great summer if you are on the Northern hemisphere!
Sharing is caring!
Published Jul 15, 2020
Version 1.0VesaJuvonen
Joined July 15, 2016
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