The SharePoint design team is hard at work to inspire this customer sentiment across the intranet marketplace: "Please, make it look like SharePoint." The inspiration follows form and function – and the desire to provide a beautiful first-run experience alongside – one that stands on its own AND is configurable & customizable.
In this episode we go into the minds of the creative design team behind SharePoint. You'll learn about the gorgeous out-of-the-box experience and how that same rigor enables customers to make unique, beautiful, functional intranet sites. We talk with Principal Design Manager – Denise Trabona (LinkedIn | Twitter) and Omar Shahine (LinkedIn | Twitter) – Partner Director of Program Management for OneDrive and SharePoint.
And don't miss my Transylvanic impression attempt of Billy Crystal… (I tried - I really did).
This is THE DESIGN episode. By the end, you’ll be saying, “Make ours look like SharePoint!
(+ bonus: scroll to the end of this post to view a collection of beautiful customer intranet screenshots from Wavemaker, Beiersdorf AD, 3M, Microsoft and Contoso Inc.)
Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 25 now.
The Intrazone is your bi-weekly conversation and interview podcast hosted by the Microsoft SharePoint team (
Left to right, top to bottom: Denise Trabona – principal design manager (Microsoft) [guest], Omar Shahine – partner director of program management (Microsoft) [guest], Chris McNulty – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host], and Mark Kashman – senior product manager (SharePoint/Microsoft) [co-host].
Link to people, articles and resources mentioned in this episode
- The Intrazone Audience Survey
- Microsoft Tech Community
- SharePoint design guidance site
- SharePoint Look Book also can be downloaded as a PDF
- Nielsen Norman Group 2019 report: "10 best intranets award winners" and Video
- 3M Go was recognized as one of the winner of the 2019 Intranet Design Annual Award from the Nielsen Norman Group. A link to their story.
- Tenth of December by George Saunders
- Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide throughout 2019)
- SharePoint Conference North America, May 21-23, 2019, Las Vegas, NV; use one of these speaker codes to get $50 off your registration fee; pick the speaker that you're most excited to see, use that code when you register to save yourself money and give them kudos to let them know you’re interested in what they're doing at #SPC19.
- SPS Events, Twitter @SPS_Events (various cities worldwide throughout 2019)
- SharePoint FestWashington, D.C. April 29 - May 3, 2019, Twitter @SharePointFest
- SPTechCon, Austin, TX, February 10-13, 2019
- North American Collaboration Summit, Branson, MO, March 14-15, 2019
- AIIM Conference, San Diego, CA, March 26-28, 2019 – reg code “MICROSOFT” gets you $100 off.
- European Collaboration Summit, Wiesbaden, Germany, May 27-29, 2019
- Microsoft Business Applications Summit, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11, 2019
- ESPC, European SharePoint Conference, Office 365 & Azure Conference - December 2-5, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
- Microsoft Build 2019, May 6-8, 2019; Seattle, WA
- SharePoint Twitter @SharePoint
- Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman
- Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000
- Denise Trabona, Principal Design Manager (LinkedIn | Twitter)
- Omar Shahine, Partner Director, Program Manager (LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog)
- Katie Swanson, SharePoint Product Designer
+ highlighting our WINNERS of last episodes #BillChrisBadges & #SPC19PassGiveaway contests:
o Petr Štěpka (@PetrStepka) SharePoint consultant and developer from Prague – winner of the #SharePoint spaces drone
o Mike Hatheway (@MikeHatheway13) Digital Transformation Consultant in O365 and SharePoint – winner of the full SharePoint Conference 2019 pass.
Subscribe today!
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Be sure to visit our show page to hear all the episodes, access the show notes, and get bonus content. And stay connected to the SharePoint community blog where we’ll share more information per episode, guest insights, and take any questions from our listeners ( We, too, welcome your ideas for future episodes topics and segments via The Intrazone survey. Keep the discussion going in comments below; we’re hear to listen and grow.
Subscribe to The Intrazone podcast! And listen to episode 25 now.
Thanks for listening!
The SharePoint team wants you to unleash your creativity and content services throughout the year. We will do this, with design excellence, one episode at a time. And as Billy Crystal says, "Dahling - It’s not how you feel, it’s how. You. Look!” And, SharePoint -- you look mahvelous!
The Intrazone links
- Show Page:
- Apple Podcasts
- Google Play
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- Stitcher
- Overcast
- RadioPublic
- iHeart
Beautiful SharePoint-powered customer intranet screenshots
Wavemaker's "Work Hub" intranet portal powered by SharePoint in Office 365 and AddIn365.
- Learn more about how Wavemaker bolsters their intranet using SharePoint, Office 365 and AddIn365.
Beiersdorf AD's “YOUNITED” intranet portal.
- Learn more how Beiersdorf AD's leverages SharePoint and Office 365 to provide the YOUNITED intranet portal to their 19,000 employees.
3M's “3M Go" company intranet. The Nielsen Norman Group named 3M Go as one of the top ten intranets in their 2019 report.
- Learn more how 3M built a personalized global intranet created on SharePoint in Office 365 + more about their Nielsen Norman 2019 intranet award.
Microsoft's own “MSW” company intranet portal.
- Learn more how Microsoft builds and manages its entire intranet - including its MSW company portal.
@ContosoInc's "Contoso Landings" as presented at Ignite 2018.
- Learn more about how Contoso Inc. (and you) can build your modern intranet on SharePoint in Office 365 (blog & "modern intranet" resource center).
BONUS LINK: "Have you ever asked what other companies do with their #SharePoint-based #intranet in #Office365?" [via @Sway; showcases 14 Microsoft SharePoint customer intranet stories].
The Intrazone, a show about the SharePoint intelligent intranet;
Updated Feb 19, 2019
Version 3.0Mark-Kashman
Joined June 24, 2016
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