Hi Bob and thanks for an informative article,
I see many compelling reasons to use modern experience over classoc. However, sadly, performance isn't one of them.
At least for our tenant classic experience is much faster than modern. It doesn't matter which browser we're using, which device, on what network or if it is a newly created site with very few documents and no customizations or a large document library with multiple managed columns: If the library is accessed in modern view it typically takes 2-4 times as long to load as when accessed in classic mode.
I've tried to problem solve this together with Senior MS escalation engineers with no success, in fact they say it is to be expected due to the "improved" GUI and lack of 30 docs limit in modern experience.
I'd really love to see modern pages "run nearly as fast as a locally installed program" but as it currently performs for us we're nowhere near that situation. In fact it is a major blocker for user adoption.
If you have any ideas or tips on how to troubleshoot this then I'd be very grateful